I haven't posted much here in ages...
FunkyD, that Watchtower started my exit. I saw the change in the generation teaching and while disappointed I also saw the huge consequences of the change. I also knew, since I'd been associated since a baby that the age of the generation had been modified several times. I seem to remember that the Watchtower also stated that the "separation" was still future and those who had died after hearing the teaching of JWs had still not been judged. A 'sister' (I don't know who I hardly knew anyone in my new congregation) in the congregation made a comment in the study that even Newsweek had written about the change. Whether she meant to or not that had as big an impact on me as the study article. (Thank you whoever you are in Eden Prairie, MN cong)
I never engaged in the FS after that date but it took a year for me to fade completely. I moved to a different cong then moved house. I cited this Watchtower to my parents when I explained the reasons for quitting.