There is a difference (at least in JW land) between being rich and being materialistic. Even the poorest person can be "materialistic."
Usually, the better elders were moderately well-off. The poorest ones liked the position and looked down on you because they were elders and had the power.. The rich ones looked down on you because they had more money and had power. But defining "materialism" is very hard and elders don't tend to examine the financial well-being of the average Joe Dub. Its hard to prove that you miss meetings because you need to work to make ends meet as opposed to "you need to work to keep up with Brother Dick Rich."
My own father called me "materialistic" because I have a well-paying job and a better house than him. I admit to being well paid, I admit to living in a nice neighborhood (average home for area) but I am where I am because of where I was born, because I have certain skills and have an ethic instilled in me from my own Dad. However, in comparison to the 95% of the world's population and like most middle-income Americans I have huge material wealth. In some ways I am materialistic but no more so than than most JWs and not many of them are being DF'd.
I knew of no JWs DF'd for drunkeness, though I knew of one elder DF'd for being an alcoholic which is not the same. I never knew anyone DF'd for being a glutton either. Most DF'ing had to do with what went on in the bedroom or other horizontal activities. Still, money helped and the more you have the less likely you are to be kicked out.