Roots are the cause of all evil. You transplant a flower and leave some root in the ground, it dies. You pull a weed and leave some root in the ground, it comes back stronger.
3rd (weed hater class)
money?,,,,,,, no, religion!
all the wars that i have studied have been attributed to religious beliefs who's foundation whereby being unfounded and un-provable.
trust in gawd, allah, jesus, jehovah, mohammed and on and on is what the lost say, or "the lord will provide" for that matter.
Roots are the cause of all evil. You transplant a flower and leave some root in the ground, it dies. You pull a weed and leave some root in the ground, it comes back stronger.
3rd (weed hater class)
i've just been sorting out various paperwork and going through the filing cabinet.
as well as every pay advice i've ever had (20+ years worth back to '83) i also have every bank statement, every cheque stub and, erm ... a big wad of atm receipts going back at least 10 years !
i just can't stand to throw things away for fear that i may need them one day!!.
I have found that the more space you have the more you can hoard. At least on an annual basis I file everything piled up in my in-tray. I take the time to remove utility bills etc, more than a year old and shred everything. I keep stuff for filings longer. Less often I sort through the folder with instruction manuals and warranty info for items that have deceased and throw them out as well.
Once a year the city has a clean up day and we get the chance to throw out the discarded and broken stuff that is cluttering up the basement or garage. I am not too bad but I could do better. One of the best ways to reduce junk or non-essential items is to move everything you own a long way, preferably overseas. We did it twice when I was a kid and I have done it myself once more. It does mean though that I have very little of anything of age from my family. I don't have any of my toys, no collectors items and nothing to pass on.
I don't relish another move...I have too much stuff now.
shotguns post got me thinking.
post your story is 3 sentences or less, if possible.
England born; raised as a JW.
Well into to adulthood before I discovered the truth about the lies.
Now ex-JW, ex-pat.
my mother told me that the co gave a talk on how a spider spins his web and it can take a very long time for the web to be made but just like that--- before you know it---it can catch its prey and devour it.
it's the same with the world wide web, the internet.
there are reports, according to the co, that in new york, a very prominent "anointed" man was disfellowshipped and he has his owm website where he has answered many jws questions.
So COs are going around warning about the dangers of the Internet. Just like they warned about TV, then videos, R-rated movies, cell phones. If the Internet warnings are ignored just like the way JWs have ignored warnings about R-rated movies, videos and DVDs then the Watchtower Society is in trouble.
Does anyone remember a drama at a DC where some JW kids said they watched "certain" movies but it was OK because they fast-forwarded through the bad parts? What a joke, nobody I knew (me included) ever fast-forwarded through bad parts, they were the parts they made the movie watchable.
i know there are numerous examples of crazy, whacked out stuff that the wtbts taught that most of here now realize were just that...... crazy and whacked......... but do you know how insane some of the stuff in that original 1961 bible was?.
I remember that in the appendix it had the time period for the book of Genesis as 46,000 BCE to 1,600 BCE (or something close to that.)
I argued with an elder that after the Creation book came out and was vague about the length of creative days that the WTS had dropped the 7000 year notion. As further proof I asked him to check the Black and Green NWTs and compare what each stated about the time period covered in Genesis. (In actuality, I don't think the WTS writers, or at least some, haven't really given up on the 7,000 year length.)
For most meetings you needed at least a green Bible and a pink song book. (Even the song book was green up until about 1966)
when i was a jdub i used to write down whatever hours i wanted to write down.
when i was pioneering for 7 years i would add a few hours to my time each month so that i wouldn?t fall too far behind.
even when i wasn?t pioneering though i would inflate my hours a bit sometimes so i wouldn?t have the elders hounding me about my time and also so i could hold a ?position?.
I always rounded up. 1 hr 35 mins was usually counted as 2 hours. When i started to fade I quit FS altogether. I still counted 4 hours per month, my WTS sanctioned hour of weekly Bible study plus the BS. It didn't take long before I stopped reading the book of Bible Stories and didn't bother with a FS report. The PO talked to me about my lack of hours but I never said how I really felt... which was, FS in my locality is a joke, it's riding around in car or van calling on at best 10 homes in 2 hours. Secondly, I couldn't and wouldn't defend the WTS blood and end time doctrines.
mrs. exjdub and i were talking about the jwd board the other night and, after discussing many of the topics that are on the board, we started reminiscing.
pretty soon we started laughing until we had tears in our eyes remembering the "joy" of conventions in the old days.
mrs. exj remembers camping in scarborough, maine during the convention and waking up in the morning to damp sleeping bags from the moisture in the air, trying to run to the community showers before the session, feeling dirty all of the time because of the dust, sitting in the blazing sun at the racetrack, getting rained on, etc.
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 1971.
Dad couldn't get time off for the weekdays of our local DC so we drove 500 miles to Ballarat. There were eight of us in a pop-up camper designed for 7. That wasn't the was the site. A windswept disused airfield with jerry-rigged showers and washrooms made out of black plastic sheeting and no hot water. I don't think we showered for the 3 days we were there and it was so cold we wore our normal clothes over our pajamas.
On Saturday two family members caught the train home while the rest of us took a week's vacation. That was the cool part and the time at the beach was warm and almost totally free of other people. We drove back via the Great Ocean Road and the Coorong.
I suffered (S&M, I guess) 30 years of miserable conventions in cold dirty soccer stadiums. Most of the misery was local. Ballarat was the furthest and most primitive.
ever since i was a kid i wanted to be a pioneer and go to pioneer school.
i remember how every summer a crop of pioneers would come back all excited from the school with a "pioneer book" that no one was allowed to read except pioneers that had gone to school.
seriously, even as an adult a good friend of mine would not even let me take a peak, as it was taboo.
It's all about elitism. A special reward for those that are pioneers.
As for being better than everyone else, this is my experience. It was customary for aux pioneers of the month to attend the pioneer meeting with the CO during his visit. One time, being very guilty about not being a pioneer, I aux pioneered the month of the CO's visit. I took a week's vacation during the visit to get most of my time in and attended the pioneer meeting with a couple of other auxs and the lone cong' pioneer. When the CO asked who we were and what we were doing the auxs were all put down for not being "real" pioneers. I felt so low I never bothered to auxillary pioneer again.
for those of you interested in attending the convention this year, this program was emailed to me.. .
3:15 song no.77 and announcements.
2:45 song no.15 and announcements.
Friday: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Saturday: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Nothing changes does it?
This is a problem with language. How can you know someone's age when you have to check their age to know their age? Adding the word "look" may help but then again age assessment is up to the person cheking. I have been carded even though I am twice the legal age. Some stores card everyone regardless of how decrepid they appear but at least they are safely complying with the law. Theses store always ask for a driving licence and one swipe gets your ID and date of birth.
The worst thing I have encountered was when I ordered wine with a meal and the waiter asked for my wife's ID and DOB!