Yes, it is very very hard to stay away and that is because of fear, pure and simple. You have been "indoctrinated" with this fear. I came back, (or tried to) about three times because of the fear and shame the organization had branded into my mind since early childhood. I finally did the "fade" but they actually caught up with me after about ten years and I was formally DFed. Even though I hadn't been to a meeting in years I was still horribly traumatized and was almost catatonic for weeks. This is cult mind-control at its finest. They hate being called a cult but read up about cults while you are here--I don't know it offhand but someone here should have a link to the page that lists all the earmarks of a cult. It's "eye-opening" believe me. It's probably too soon for you to take this step but you should read Ray Franz's "Crisis of Conscience". His very name probably sends shivers of fear down your spine and this is just the way the org wants you to feel. Reading his book after being DFed for over fifteen years is finally what broke the chains of fear for me. The org wants you in those chains. They are just men and nothing more, and they control the lives of millions on a whim. They will also destroy these lives on a whim. He truly exposed "The Man/Men Behind the Curtain" with his beautiful and heartbreaking book.
Best wishes to you and stay strong. You are an individual and you have great worth. The org made me an agnostic because I distrust ALL religion now, but I sense that you have a strong belief in God. It will be very hard for you to pray since they have told you, as they told me, that Jehovah's ears are now blocked to your prayers. The thought of praying to Jesus probably frightens you too, since that is a JW BIG no-no, but just try having a little "informal" one-sided chat with him. Or, express your fears to the Universe--read the Tao Te Ching. Try to build up your own sense of worth.