My sentiments exactly, Metatron. In my opinion Jackson and Sharpton are hypocritical fools who do little if not nothing to benefit African-Americans. And sorry if this offends anyone, but Johnny Cochran, may he RIH, set race relations back 50 years in the USA, effectively undoing most of Reverend Martin Luther King's great work. (I still say "Blacks" BTW because I can't seem to keep up with what is PC anymore)
To my knowledge, saying someone "acts white" is a derogotory remark that black youths say to their peers who are trying to keep their grades up in order to go to college and have a better life. This is a BIG problem for guidance counselors in racially mixed high schools. They constantly see bright, talented kids throw their lives down the tube due to peer pressure.
A bout 10 years ago, in my town, the local library put on an exhibit for Black History Month and I was appalled to see that it was nothing more than a collection of memoribilia that included, for the most part, statues of Aunt Jemima, kids eating watermelon, black-face minstrel singers, shoe shine boys--you get the picture. Not one thing about Dr King, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Frederic Douglass, etc. Apparently I wasn't the only person appalled because the NAACP got involved and made them shut it down. All the old (mostly Germanic descent in this town) folks who had donated from their collections for this "tribute" kept wailing, "But it's their HISTORY!!! Slavery is part of their history!"
My ex-husband was Native American--I say that instead of Indian because people confuse that with people from India, but they call each other "Indians". They laugh and joke a lot and make fun of EVERYBODY, including themselves, but mostly "white" people. They tend to lump all non-Indian people into one category and that is "white people". In their own languages the term for African Americans is "Black White Man". My half-Indian children are referred to as "Breeds".