I'm kind of partial to Strauss....Listening to "Tales from the Vienna Woods" now......(with images of Bugs Bunny cartoons in my head).....What are your favorite classical pieces?
Favorite Classical Music Piece?
by El Kabong 40 Replies latest jw friends
Piano: Debussy - Submerged Cathedral
Brass: Copeland - Fanfare for the Common Man or maybe one of John Williams' Olympics fanfares...
Orchestral: Oh god, I can't pick...
There are so many....Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Chopin, have pieces that are unforgettable.
How to choose......
Ride of the Valkyries
My first exposure to Classical music wasn't very deep, but; it hooked me for life: Ravel's Bolero.
Next, came an introduction to the old warhorse perennials such as the 1812 Overture, Capriccio Italian and Fountains of Rome.
As I entered puberty the minor key melodies set me on fire: Rachmaninoff's Piano Concertos, Brahms 1st and 3rd and Tristan and Isolde.
As I matured I moved to Gabriel Faure' and Hindemuth and Bela Bartok.
Now, as a fully matured gentleman with lots of living under my belt I am completely taken with all things Claus Ogermann, almost any chamber music and Prokofiev.
There is a fellow from Canada called the French Canadian Mozart, named Andre' Gagnon. I adore his very light melodicism.
All time favorite: VOCALISE by Rachmaninoff
wow I dont like posting after Terry!!!
Here is a nice piece I was listening to earlier.
Just wanted to share, lame I know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkP-PnIZ_MI
Summer of '42 - Michael Legrand (1971)
favorite composer is Mozart
.......I have most of his symphonies on another computer.
1. Strauss - Blue Danube (with images of space travel)
2. Beethoven - Symphonies esp 9
3. Greig - Piano Concerto #1
I'm with Terry! Bolero caught my imagination in a art class in college and got me hooked! carmel
Chopin for me too. It's difficult to narrow it down to just one piece.
beethoven's 9th