JoinedPosts by prologos
Jonah's success, J-dubs failure in preaching.
by Darkknight757 in3:1 then the word of the lord came to jonah a second time: 2 “go to the great city of nineveh and proclaim to it the message i give you.”3 jonah obeyed the word of the lord and went to nineveh.
now nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it.
4 jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “forty more days and nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 the ninevites believed god.
"Jonah was not a false prophet." even though he preached a doomsday message that was proven wrong. that is the idea that wt wants to sink in . Jonah was not preaching the truth. The "truth", his message, was only a means to an end. he was used. He suspected that in the beginning, he knew it at the end. Now his story is used again to spur on JWorgers to get converts. The imitation faith on the march. Macmillan. -
Not the Author of Confusion
by Coded Logic in609 african independent charismatic.
black american apostolic.
african independent charismatic.
CL: "--And who knows what far more beautiful work Bach or Michelangelo might have produced had their minds not been vandalized by the small mindedness of religion.
Remember that great work was done often in hiding the facts by people stuck in undesirable religious situations. : Kopernikus of Heliocentrism fame, --catholic priestN Johan Kepler of eliptical orbit & orbital velocity formulae fame, --disfellowshipped protestant bible student. Isaac newton, --secret anti-trinitarian, end-time calculator.
now that even closet deists steer away from admitting belief in creation, let us see what soul-lifting art will emerge.
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Fisherman: "--I believe that mass and energy had a beginning. Well, mass (a form of Energy) had a beginning at the big event, but [potential] energy is now thought of to be a property of the nothing, the void. The "big bang" resulting from nothing more than a rearranging of these primordial condition, and then going off centre.
Like the photon, has no mass, but energy, moves at max rate through space but is stationary in time. Pure energy can linger eternally in time and not know it.
Jonah's success, J-dubs failure in preaching.
by Darkknight757 in3:1 then the word of the lord came to jonah a second time: 2 “go to the great city of nineveh and proclaim to it the message i give you.”3 jonah obeyed the word of the lord and went to nineveh.
now nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it.
4 jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “forty more days and nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 the ninevites believed god.
"God showed mercy to Jonah by not letting him drown", but he caused the storm in the first place (or did not stop it, endangering all). Then he send him on a mission to preach the downfall, when gad must have known full well, that here would in the end no destruction. He made af ool out of Jonah, and the witnesses are like fools with their 1914, 1925, 1975 2075 predictions, ostensibly miraculously derived at by god's spirit-directed organisation.
In the end, blame Jonah, or ha-noj, because he got it all backward.
JWs and "Simple Truths"
by JW_Rogue inin public talks we would always hear about how we knew god's word was the truth because it was simple and clear.
how god revealed the real truth to uneducated and ordinary people.
the problem is that in reality something being simple or clear isn't an indicator of it's truthfulness at all.
1EJ: "--The heliocentric model appears more complex at first, but it allows for a far simpler explanation planetary motion.
Very interesting comparison, the planets are closer than the stars (except one) so should we look for truth that touches the near, rather than the distant? the far away the future, long ago the past?
Not the Author of Confusion
by Coded Logic in609 african independent charismatic.
black american apostolic.
african independent charismatic.
CD: "I honestly don't see how the inspirations of Bach and Michelangelo make religion any less full of crap. ---
The one does not rule out the other, but There is less confusion (since this the theme), more harmony in Bach et al then in Hindemith, the modern painters,, the writers, that pride themselves in their own advancement.
Not the Author of Confusion
by Coded Logic in609 african independent charismatic.
black american apostolic.
african independent charismatic.
CD: "Not sure why Wild Thing got a thumbs down., Perhaps Because because of the fact that some religions, warts and worse, have inspired some of the best art & Music, --think Michelangelo, Bach;-- better sounds , and views, even smells than that he/she produces, while sitting down.
Village I. Here is an explanation what galactic collissions produce.
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
If they admitted that they were wrong they would merely confirm the obvious. rather late for that. The real issue is to continue down this path. the narrow road that does not lead to salvation. that is cramped, too restraint to allow a turnaround. bridges have been burned behind them so to speak. so
another generation gambit would just increase the wt's culpability.
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
F; "--If nothing then how in the world can nothing explode into something and what caused nothing to become something.
The current thought is, that there never was a nothing as we define it; the nothing prior and "outside" is seething with virtual energy, and the theory is that positive and negative, or matter and antimatter pop into existence balanced , zero energy when combined, but 2 if separated. A slight imbalance resulted in the structure we have today. but to do all this there had to be time to do it in, and that time could well be eternal. Not many like that idea, because it opens the possibility, that an unfathomable creator might be behind it all, and with all that energy and time on hand, do really great works.
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
CL: "--it means that "nothing" is inherently unstable and will always produce something. and when you have instability it implies change, acceleration, and that means means a priori you have time, even times squared to move through.