if it would be the real thing, many faders could not contribute, because it would show up on their joint account statements, and the auditor would have a way to nail the place where your heart is.
JoinedPosts by prologos
"Please consider contributing" -- is this for real?
by Nathan Natas ini have started seeing requests for contributions at the bottom of the screen.. why the change?
WTS buys £1,000,000 luxury sea-front property in Wales, UK
by Simon inshower room.
games room.
It is how they prove they are spirit directed. The early congregation too was proved to have received the transfer of god's approval in connection with language, Pentecost. no translation needed though. Like Simon said: --learn Chinese" instead, because that property bargain, bought at around ~ 1000 000,- will be worth 8 888 888,- soon, if the worldwide trend continues. and
like the appreciated properties in Brooklyn, this gem is near a last bridge before the sea? sorry, now Verrazano.
DOOM and LUXURY : the Watchtower Elite prepares for the GREAT TRIBULATION
by TerryWalstrom inboondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
"The Watchtower Organization in 2014 made the purchase for $ 1,425,400.00." -- that is what I call a bargain.
Absolute blind obedience. No accountability.
by stuckinarut2 init's interesting to observe that in all aspects of life, leaders are accountable to those they lead.. politicians must fulfil their promises, or they are replaced from government.. business corporate leaders like ceos must perform, or they are replaced.. sports coaches and trainers must win, or they are replaced.. yet there are leaders who have often been wrong, have made serious ,mistakes and failed predictions that have impacted the lives of millions.. they have dictated decisions for the lives of millions, yet they can't even be questioned...even in a sincere or polite manner..
Since it is not given to man to direct his own step, how dare wt (imperfect) demand lock-step obedience of their followers at pain of disfellowshipping? blind obedience = kadavergehorsam , because you are dead one way or another.
Helping to Support this Site
by JustMe2 insimon,.
lately there have been ads apparently giving the opportunity to share in keeping this site afloat.
just checking--are they really from you?
I'd hate to have anybody give to a fraudulent site. or have our personal information and up in the wrong hands.
From Reddit - RC Baptism Count: Cornwall, Ontario, Canada June 11, 2016.
by berrygerry inattendance: 2298.
baptized: 4.
enjoy looking at the math on that one.... .
yeah, that is showing wisdom at work, but not all is in that range. there were ~ 20 baptized, Mixed young & old at another ~3 k attendence regional reception.
Supreme Court Of Russia bans Jehovah's Witnesses as an 'extremist organization'
by EdenOne inread the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
""– Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Belgorod as extremist organization, RAPSI reports from the courtroom.--""
It appears to be the Supreme court upholding the decision of another regional power to ban the WTBtS congregations.
Russia is on the warpath again, arming, agitating world wide, and much of the population, regional powers, supporting , loving the sentiment. The refusenik attitude of the JWs does not sit well with the militarists, they might see it as an Amerikan group trying to weaken the Mother bear's determination to bring all her children into her rightful territory
For Dog Lovers-- Meet Stanley!
by Sail Away inhave you ever had a dog that was dumber than a box of rocks?
i have; his name was dave matthews.
we loved him anyway.
Christiane Vadnais, 55, was mauled in the backyard of her home in Montreal's east end Wednesday afternoon by what police describe as a pit bull. She was pronounced dead at the scene.http://i.cbc.ca/1.1610736.1460078725!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_620/hi-pitbull-istock.jpg Glad you enjoy the close company of your pets but be responsible.
What are 'all his belongings'
by why144000 inif the slave is given control over the 'domestics' in 1919 and this includes anointed and great crowd what is left for the master to give the slave?
all the worldly people will be destroyed so what is left?.
matthew 24: 45who really is the faithful and discreet* slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?+ 46 happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so!+ 47 truly i say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.48 “but if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘my master is delaying,’+ 49 and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know,+ 51 and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites.
what is there that would not belong to No.2 in the cosmos? It will be long , though, before it happens possibly 2075. and
The Fd&S will judge angels reaching even beyond the limits of the universe. but could not shut up the talking snake.
Convention Videos: Someone messed up royally
by ILoveTTATT2 in.
when i first saw the video, i was like, "wait... is that her... panties showing through the dress"?and it seems like it is so.turns out that if you look at the middle right of the video, there are some letters.
it reads, "footage provided by pond5".if someone wants to purchase that video to confirm, you can purchase it here:http://depositphotos.com/63621499/stock-video-violinist-girl-walking-through-a.htmli think that this was a royal mess up because i doubt they would put footage of a sister in a skimpy, revealing dress.doesn't the gb approve this?this will probably go down as another of the "subliminal images"...if there are thongs in paradise... might not be so bad after all!.
just to be nit-picking the creek in the opening muic friday and the waves on the sun/up/ sunset are going backward, uphill, out to sea.see? They base their doctrine on the placing of a comma 4 places forward or back, so details count!.