TS: "--the Org's decision on who is allowed to be in the New Covenant.
In their myopic bible misunderstanding, wt has limited the the New Covenant membership to the NT equivalent of the royal and priestly tribes. after all, -- all tribes were in the Law Covenant, in addition Judah and Benjamin had the royal, priest duties, spelled out in their respective coveted special covenants.
If the new (christian) arrangement would mirror ancient Israel, all members would be recognized to be in the new covenant, partake of the emblems, not just the few that are sealed out of all the 12 tribes. wt gives the wrong vibes. New covenant= forgiveness of sin, + widespread, heartfelt bible knowledge. If only the snake would not have talked, we would not have perceived "sin" , and we would die for purely natural reasons, like stars, enriching our surroundings in life and death.