when Jesus (or his historians) compared his end of life experience with Jonah's gastly gastric 3+1/2 days, he must have been testing whether his listeners were credulous enough to swallow the whole bit, hook line and sinker.
JoinedPosts by prologos
A stunning piece of LOGIC from the Apostle Paul
by nicolaou in1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
A stunning piece of LOGIC from the Apostle Paul
by nicolaou in1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Paul "--- if Christ is not risen your faith is in vain.
At least he put that caveat in writing, wt would be as honest if they'd put all the improbable conditions required for them teaching "the truth" up front in their literature. like:
If Christ has risen in his kingdom, (or sat down)?, in 1914, the overlapping generation must be in full swing now--/
At least the resurrection stories after Pentecost were more practical, You are a good knitter, Dorcas, come back. or, You sleep at the meetings, Eutychus, ok, they are boring, you qualify.
Is Christianity contingent on belief in a talking snake?
by cobweb inthis is a question mainly for those who are christian as i myself am not:.
to what extent is christianity contingent on a belief in the book of genesis.
i know there are some christians who accept that the creation story is a myth, and maybe the adam and eve story too.
If "the greatest teacher" , "the greatest man that ever lived", and died, is reported to have personally endorsed, quoted the Adam & Eve account, the flood, how can wt be wrong in following these teachings of Christianity? . Now, if any element of the story can be proven to be untrue, then you not only have a bad story, but an absolutely flawed world view.
Manufactured conflict and the media
by Coded Logic inmanufactured outrage.
false equivalence.
every issues has "two sides".
you can always try different ones and stick with BBC, people in Europe did, in EE2.
Cult expert on Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood
by Lee Elder incult expert steven hassan analyzes the death of young canadian jw mother: https://freedomofmind.com/…/2016/10/21/a-watchtower-tragedy/.
Steve Hassan: "--unnecessary loss of life- all due to misunderstanding Jewish Kashrut law.--
and the bible story: The talking snake prevailed. The first innocent victims (Cain & Abel), then try to make amends by trial sacrifices, god indicates he likes bloody meat (that can not be eaten yet ). so, it becomes a pattern, Abraham even preparing to kill his son. then: the perfect sacrifice (Jesus). turning water into wine and blood into wine (symbolically), but even then, according to wt, the blood monopoly for god has to be maintained. at all cost, even at the cost of further human sacrifices. faith better than Abraham's,-- or worse?, all based on a talking snake story.?
Cult expert on Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood
by Lee Elder incult expert steven hassan analyzes the death of young canadian jw mother: https://freedomofmind.com/…/2016/10/21/a-watchtower-tragedy/.
we hope two so similar, so close in time and place deaths are a fluke, and not what goes on, untold.
Another Quebec JW woman dies after childbirth
by OrphanCrow inmilande louis cadet, a 46 year old jehovah's witness woman, died after childbirth in a montreal hospital on october 3, 2016.. this interview and story is in french.
i have done a poor google translate of the article...the tv story likely has more and better details.
thinking on this, how tragic. Blood transfusions should have given doctors the time to get to the sources of these post-cesarian continuing blood losses, and stop them for good.
Cult expert on Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood
by Lee Elder incult expert steven hassan analyzes the death of young canadian jw mother: https://freedomofmind.com/…/2016/10/21/a-watchtower-tragedy/.
Another Witness, a young mother, died this month, Mirlande Louis Cadet, in Montreal Quebec after giving birth by cesarian, her death celebrated last Saturday, Oct 22. her brother alleges that the family or the liaison committee did not inform the larger family of the emergency situation. Interesting links when you google "temoins de jehovah funeraille a laval." In one of the links speaking of the previous death of E. Dupuis, the Quebec Health Minister seems to say the Liaison Committee is not a "blood police". ?.
Watchtower Study Article 23/10/16 from August edition
by BluesBrother inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-study-august-2016/do-you-see-the-need-to-train-others/.
much of the article is the usual thoughtless mush that we have come to expect these days.
the rank and file bros. are urged to reach out to train the new ones... .
Every living moment of jws lives is to be spend in wt indoctrination.
If Jehovah is our 'father', he would want humankind to independently govern itself
by fukitol inall parents want their children to grow up, mature, and become happily independent.
no normal father or parent would ever want to govern and rule over their children forever.. so if jehovah exists and he is a heavenly 'father' to his human progeny, and if we truly are in his image as his children, then humankind was always destined to govern itself.
if you believe in the biblical narrative, jehovah always intended to let go of his human children and let us rule ourselves when we were ready.
given that there was no talking snake, --just talking about parents, and the creator of it all, who is the ultimate parent, and observing from the inside, a family where an eighteen year old is straining at the constraints imposed by the mother:
Successful parents, for practical reasons, like their children to follow the same path as the one they found so successful. and then let the offspring do it on their own, because the hovering parents will run out of helicopter time. So, yes, what an odd way to deal with mature offspring in the bible story, to prune the majority off every once in awhile, hamper their progress, .Curiously the father tends to allow a more adventurous course, allowing for novel ways to lead to new patterns of success? and how will these forming ties, groups of young people govern themselves?