rotten apples?...whole orchard is rotten. Here in uk the recent/current abuse cover up scandal has shown me and others that far from being 'gifts in men' and 'big trees of refreshment' and 'shepherds of the flock' elders etc are not fit for purpose and by extension the congregational arangement stinks. Love?..Justice?...if you're hoping to find such qualities in the congregation be prepared to be disappointed. Sure, there are genuinely nice people...but they would be equally nice if they were out in world too... Personally I have known some very peculiar elders with really distorted views of what life is about.
JoinedPosts by westiebilly11
A few bad apples hey?
by sparrowdown ina witness couple just called on me.
they know i have'nt been to the hall for a few months but have no idea that i am "off reservation" in more ways than one.. they called by to tell me they that due to the "unloving spirit" in our.
congregation they will be going to another hall from now on.. the husband has been having ongoing "issues" with the cobe for some time ( iow,he hates his guts).. they feel that if they move to another cong where the people are nicer everything will be ok. (yeah, right).
This will be a GREAT organization!
by Kensho inwhen...... 1) we follow christ example not the gb.
2) stop df'ing those for challenging current or past doctrine and allow us to use our god given gift of reason and free wil.
sure kick out the scumbags even the lions club have rules for membership, but not those who just use their brains and consience.. 3) get rid of the nonsensical blood teaching that has cost the lives of thousands and beg god for forgiveness.
what's the point of it?..what's the message if any?...pointless..I'm getting fed up of religion leads to conflict....judgmental can't just live and let's got to seek recruits..more and more recruits....
ex elder sentenced to 14 years.
by ThomasCovenant in
cover ups....shredding of evidence....denials....conspiring to pervert the course of justice....seems to me that the whole elder set up is not fit for purpose and not worthy of any respect from within or outside the org.
Stupid paragraph in this weekends wt study
by stuckinarut2 inhow's these comments in this weeks study?.
i understood that i had neglected my children when they most needed my guidance and affection, admits eduardo.
i had not been there to read them bible stories, to pray with them, to cuddle them, and to play with them.
Funny isn't it that when out of it these sham accounts are exposed as utter nonsense with no basis in reality....and to think that for many years we swallowed such tripe hook line and sinker when we were in...
Meet The Mormons - UK TV This Evening
by cofty ina new "fly-on-the-wall" documentary about the life of young mormon missionaries goes out this evening on channel 4.. .
very similar to the jws....controlling....conditioning....indoctrination....regulation....isolation...very scary on a larger scale. what a waste of youth....
Dinosaurs on Noahs Ark?? Watchtower 1973 says..YES!! Bethelite with no College education
by Witness 007 inhow did noah or (russell crowe) fit all the animals on the ark?
how about throwing on the dinosaurs as well!!!.
watchtower 1973 july 15p.7 question from readers.
..I'm actually laughing out loud at the previous post!..very funny..!! this..!
June 1st Watchtower for the public
by Lynnie inone of my smart ass friends gave me the public copy of the watchtower for june 1st, 2014 and the main article.
is about "god's view on smoking.
" okay it goes on and on about how we need to keep our body "clean" and.
...I suspect many biblical figures would have smoked if smoking option had been available in their time....tobacco wasn't an option was it back then..
JW Kids Who Lack Sincerity: Are You In The Flipping Truth Or Not?
by Apognophos indid any of you know a jw youth who didn't seem to really even try to be sincere about the "truth"?
not someone who led a double life while pretending to be a goody-goody jw.
i mean the kind of kid who went to the meetings and did field service while making minimal effort at maintaining a pretense of being a true believer?.
..I always thought that the real test of genuine jw kids/youngsters was whether they would still stay in if their parents were to leave...but as has been mentioned most youngsters go because there is no other way of living in such a family...conform or face rejection..
JW Kids Who Lack Sincerity: Are You In The Flipping Truth Or Not?
by Apognophos indid any of you know a jw youth who didn't seem to really even try to be sincere about the "truth"?
not someone who led a double life while pretending to be a goody-goody jw.
i mean the kind of kid who went to the meetings and did field service while making minimal effort at maintaining a pretense of being a true believer?.
such kids/youngsters often had a very black and white view of life..everyone in world was bad and satanic..and all in the hall were true and spiritual....such kids were often mollycoddled by model parents and grandparents who sought hard to reinforce spiritual expectations...and yes some of the youngsters were genuinely nice people...but very knieve....they were conditioned to put their hands up and give pat answers to pat questions...used freely in demonstrations and always ready with prepared paintings for when the circuit overseer was present... grooming.....yes.
Take a moment and look at it an entirely different way . . .
by Terry ina transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
Perhaps the 'lord's prayer' should begin: our absent father jehovah........