P.S. Mak, I also have a great website on dealing with grief, I can share it with you, if ya'd like!
Tink =:o)
I can email it too ya! =;o)
for a privileged few, you get an article with your lifes story published in the wt.
most at least receive a grand send off with a kh memorial service.. my father passed away a couple of weeks ago.
he was just shy of his 89th birthday.
P.S. Mak, I also have a great website on dealing with grief, I can share it with you, if ya'd like!
Tink =:o)
I can email it too ya! =;o)
for a privileged few, you get an article with your lifes story published in the wt.
most at least receive a grand send off with a kh memorial service.. my father passed away a couple of weeks ago.
he was just shy of his 89th birthday.
Mak, I'm sorry to hear about your father's recent death. It's so new, I'm sure it doesn't even seem real! I'm also so sorry to hear about your daughter. I lost my dad to sucide in 1996 and my mother to cancer in 1999. For me and hubby's own sanity *what's left of it*. we moved a good distance from *everything*. We're lov'in them from afar! We wanted to move up here so we could live our live, OUR life!!!! Best thing we ever did! Enough said on that.........
Do you still talk to your siblins? You mentioned that they didn't come to the funeral. I was wondering how your relation was with them. I have alot of siblins and I'm close to some and not to others. Some are j.w.s and some are not! IT IS a trip, needless to say! And also, was wondering how your situation is with your family in dealing with your daughters suicide. I know what my father's suicide did to my family, I was concerned how you are? It put a strain on my marriage. My mother was termilly ill with cancer, so we were trying to deal with that, and then, he takes his life! It was tough. I know all about *grief work* and all the emotions you work through! It's a roller-coaster ride! I ended up in the hospital over depression, but I'm on the road to where there's finally light at the end of the tunnel. I'm Bi-Polar Manic Depressive and I've since then, in the process of helping myself, realized that my father suffered from bpmd also. It was like someone turned on a light switch! All the puzzles pieces fit together! Now I can understand why his behavior was the way it was. Sorry if I rambbled, you just hit a cord with me.My heart goes out to you Mak, I don't have children, but I have dog's, and too me, it's like losing a family memeber.
((((here's a hug to you}}}}}
Tink =:o)
this is mostly directed to others that were born/raised in the cult.
more specifically those raised in the cult who also suffered from severe depression and/or social anxiety disorder or any other mental illness (other than the normal probs that come with being in the borg).
sometimes i wonder if its just me that doesnt feel like a person now.
Flower, doesn't it make you feel good to have so many people respond to you. Alot of people have experienced the very same thing that you are going through! We all know how tough it is!
I was raised in the org. Long story short, my non-j.w. father took his life and my j.w. mother died a couple of years ago from cancer. I'm from a big family and got baptized when I was 13. I'm 41 now. Looking back, it was a very difficult life. I've been out for alittle over 3 years and there's no going back. The whole situation is so toxic and I have to move on and find my own sense of family and happiness. I'm bi-polar and I take med's in order to manage on a even level. We all take it one day at a time and do our best. My hubby and I have moved a good distance from our families. It keeps things peaceful and *normal* here! =;o) We love them, but we love them from afar! Read the Bradshaw books, another good book of his is,Healing The Inner Child*.... they're really good. Remember Flower, there is only one you, and you deserve to be happy! You will work through this and see that life is good! I know that I have a possitive support system and I've learned to really appreciate them and life. This place is a great support also! Hang in there sweetie! This will pass and you will learn something out of it! Tink =;o)
this has probably been posted before, but oh well.. http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1997/1/1/article_01.htm.
what of a child molester?.
what if a baptized adult christian sexually molests a child?
Thanks for posting that T.R.!
It's sickning.....the whole thing just makes me sick.
if it was'nt for the internet i would still be stuck in the endless cycle of drone like meeting attendance and field service.
(technically i'm still in but not for long) i'm really glad that some ex-jws took the time to speak about the real truth.
for the longest time i always thought that what i was taught was correct, i never even felt the need to question it or validate it with actual facts.
Ditto Flower! I was actually looking for j.w. sites when I started reading *apostate* material!!! The more I read, the more I had to read, I couldn't stop! I mean, I would stay up till 2 and 3 a.m. reading info. Then I read c.o.c. Then I started reading In search of Christian Freedom and couldn't read anymore! I think I'm still going through the shock of learning the real *truth*. I'm so glad to be out and actually be free of the guilt. I just wish I could get my family out!
i thought someone would post about the movie last sunday, (part 2 tonight, tuesday) "living with the dead", starring ted danson.
it is the story of james van pragh, the psychic who sees dead people.
it reminded me a little of "the sixth sense", especially when he was a little boy.. did anyone else see it?
I'm gonna watch it tonight. I didn't watch it Sunday. We always watch The Saprano's and Six Feet Under on Sunday nights.
I really liked The Sixth Sense, so I'm looking forward to watching tonight! Tink =;o)
i thought someone would post about the movie last sunday, (part 2 tonight, tuesday) "living with the dead", starring ted danson.
it is the story of james van pragh, the psychic who sees dead people.
it reminded me a little of "the sixth sense", especially when he was a little boy.. did anyone else see it?
I've often wondered about dreams, the meaning of dreams, if the dead can come to you in dreams. I know it sounds wierd. I lost my dad to suicide and I took it pretty hard. I was angry more than anything, but anyway, one night I had the wildest dream. I dreamed that he and I were sitting together crying. *He never cryed a day in his life.* We were holding hands. *I don't think he ever held my hand.* He looked at me and told me how sorry he was. *He never told me he was sorry for anything in his life.* In the dream, he said that if he had known how it would have effected me, he would have never done it. I wondered later if it was him or maybe a angel comforting me or something, I donno......
But anyway, it made me wonder! Tink =;o)
what do you fear most?.
when a witness i was afraid of dying at the big a. now i just fear dying.
I fear: Not living out my life to the fullest.
*I'm trying to live out my life to the fullest now* I feel there has been a lot of time wasted in the with the whole j.w. thing. I lost my dad to suicide, my j.w. mother to cancer I'm going to take what I can now, with what I've got, and make it count. Learn something from all this and appreciating every day that I've got now.
I fear: That there will be nothing after this life.
Surely one day, we all can get together in love with no boundries.
it seems there's a buzz about everybody being bi-polar or on anti-depressants.
it seems a lot of people i know are taking anti-depressents.
the doc said i'm *bi-polar 1* or something like that.
I've read ALL the post and thank-you so much for all your replies!!!
Your feedback is appreciated very much! =:o)
Peace, how is your brother???? How has he been lately? And what kind of things does he like to do??? I haven't had a psychotic episodes or anything like that, but I was in the hospital for depression. For anyone out there that may be depressed, please know that there is help out there!
And Carmel, I appreciate you bringing out a possitive side of being bi-polar! I did hair and make-up for 20 years. Retired now. I paint, decorate, flower gardens, into music....
I'm still on this kick trying to decide weather or not I'm really bi-polar. My hubby will laugh lovingly and reply,
*Yes honey you are!!!* =;o) Tink
it seems there's a buzz about everybody being bi-polar or on anti-depressants.
it seems a lot of people i know are taking anti-depressents.
the doc said i'm *bi-polar 1* or something like that.
So I'd like to ask you something. =:o)
It seems there's a buzz about everybody being bi-polar or on anti-depressants. It seems a lot of people I know are taking anti-depressents. The doc said I'm *Bi-Polar 1* or something like that. I take paxil. It was triggered by a trama in my family and sometimes I do get depressed, but hubby say's that being bi-polar inables me to have a lot of abilities and talents also. I take my paxil and it has really helped me to enjoy life again.
I'm finding on t.v. though, that people that are portrayed with bi-polar, come accross very dark or very depressed in a hollywood exaggerated kind of way. I'd like to think I'm pretty normal, I've retired and stay busy at home now, in my flowers and remodleing of our new house. I've learned not to get so upset over things anymore. I've learned to take it slow and enjoy life. *lighten up alittle* I realize that some might decide not to take their med's and come arcoss in a really negative way, but in general, is that the comman view of someone with bi-polar?
I ask also, because I've read a lot of ex-j.w.'s have to deal with depression and other things also. I have a friend that I use to be really good friends with, when we were j.w. girls, back in our teens, we were stuck to the hip. She is df'ed and is bi-polar. I haven't seen her in years. I wonder if her j.w. mother would give this da'ed ex friend of her daughter, her number? I'd love to call her, but I wouldn't want to rock the boat either.
Would you like to share some light on me, on how people really view someone like myself with bi-polar. Do you have someone in your family that has to take medication and how does your family deal with it.
Is it something you all talk about openly together?
If so, how are they doing?
Tink =:o)