Many of us who grew up as JWs found ourselves with limited social skills compared to our peers. Within the congregation, we knew all the buzz words, jargon and customs, but outside we were limited. Even if we excelled academically in public schools, we missed out on summer camps, clubs, extra-curricular activities, dances, socializing, dating~all the things that help a person develop socially.
Certainly, the religion's children developed oddly. Consider, the home-schooled 12 year old boy, who "pioneers" with a carload of sisters, taking the lead because he is a male. being called "Brother So-and-So," not by his first name like other boys his age. When, he should be on a basketball court, cursing when he misses a shot, he's praying in front of a group, then directing older ladies in field service. Of course, he becomes a weirdo. . . . . .