With all due respect to your articles, the title of this one makes me cringe, because its a blanket statement that's both unfair and offensive to all those that are JW's and have nothing to do with paedophily. If you were a gipsy and I wrote an article titled "Gipsy Paedophiles", would you not feel offended by the blanket statement, even if the content was discussing only a few cases among the ethnical group? Would you not read an intent to stain the entire etnicity ?
Regardless of the merit of the contents in the article, the title is dangerously hate-inducing.
Such a statement is completely fair, when you consider they paint apostates as being a bunch of sexually immoral drug addicts, as being mentally diseased, ect.
Not all Ex-JW's have bad morals. Some just left because they got tired of the bullshit. Many are no longer JWs because they were forced to be one by there parents while growing up. Such a statement that JW pedophiles are coming to your door is completely fair. If you look at the policies on how they handle such cases, this type of statement is completely fair.
The JWs who aren't pedophiles need to realize that the Bible says, "Bad associations spoil usefull habits."