oops! We are in 2014 now
JoinedPosts by suavojr
I'm not trying to brag, but being an EXJW is awesome!!! Status Update-
by Coffee House Girl inhello jwn!
i don't get to check in here or comment as often as i would like because i have been working so hard at school...but i just have to share my news in hopes that newbees can see that taking the leap to enroll in higher education is worth it-.
i am graduating this spring with a bachelor degree in art history, minor anthropology...many people (including nonjw's have given me flack for choosing a "dead end" career path) but since leaving the watchtower organization's group-think mentality and "leaning on my own understanding" instead... i decided to say fuck everyone else's opinion...i am going to pursue my passion to work in a museum as a curator or archivist-.
I'm not trying to brag, but being an EXJW is awesome!!! Status Update-
by Coffee House Girl inhello jwn!
i don't get to check in here or comment as often as i would like because i have been working so hard at school...but i just have to share my news in hopes that newbees can see that taking the leap to enroll in higher education is worth it-.
i am graduating this spring with a bachelor degree in art history, minor anthropology...many people (including nonjw's have given me flack for choosing a "dead end" career path) but since leaving the watchtower organization's group-think mentality and "leaning on my own understanding" instead... i decided to say fuck everyone else's opinion...i am going to pursue my passion to work in a museum as a curator or archivist-.
I am sorry but:
Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15 - "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years . ... Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in highschool and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!"
Jehovah just wants the Deaf to stop Masturbating
by Watchtower-Free inone vid with over 100,000 views thanks to jw.org.
The Revelation of Saint John the Divine
by Caupon inapparently there are anointed members of god's earthy organization, or the jehova's christian witness church.
my understanding of this is that those select few appointed by holy spirit directed by he who is above will rule over the other sheep with the jesus in heaven.
their biblical proof of this is supposedly in the acts of the apostles and the last book, the revelation.
Nice info bandontherun
Franz books
by zebagain ini have read crisis of conscience (what a revelation!
) and franz wrote another "in search of christian freedom" can anyone direct me to a pdf of that book please..
I sent you a pm...
I did it !!!!
by snare&racket in7 years ago i started on a path i had long ago given up on as impossible.
i met with my elders and told them i could not justify carrying on as a jw.
i went and got my high school qualifications and my higher education diploma (a levels with distinction) in just 12 months.
Great! This is good news and best of luck. Will you be willing to treat a JW with no blood????
The Annual Meeting Quote
by confusedandalone insomeone told me today that at the annual meeting something was said along the lines that, we do not need to be like the boreans and search that everything is true because we know we have the truth.
can anyone confirm this?.
This was during the WT study
The Annual Meeting Quote
by confusedandalone insomeone told me today that at the annual meeting something was said along the lines that, we do not need to be like the boreans and search that everything is true because we know we have the truth.
can anyone confirm this?.
What I recall was the comment from Gerrit Lösch when he said we don't need to test the faith itself, we should test ourselves to be sure that we are in the truth.
watchtower library 2013 spanish please!!! por favor en español..
by ar123 inany of you guys have the watchtower library 2013 in spanish???
alguno de ustedes tiene la watchtower library 2013 en espanol?.
alguien lo podria subir??.
Link works! Thanks
Graphic comment on last week's book study.
by Slidin Fast ini offer this with out further comment:.
12 the mosaic law made it a capital offense to profane gods name.
(leviticus 24:16).
When you see the bible in action and in real life. It leaves you with a different taste, doesn't it? These are the things in the bible that shows how God cannot be real and if he is, then he is no better than Hitler.