WoW! This analogy is the reason why I stopped sharing TTATT with my wife, I saw in her eyes how I was taking away all of her hope. But I cannot stay quiet for ever and slowy but surely I will have to speak The Truth About The Truth.
JoinedPosts by suavojr
14 Minutes and you are not a Servant of Jehovah
by JT inlast night we were discussing the "new light" that was revealed to the gb recently from jehovah.
many of us recall all the co talks and elder parts based on the bible text of how a true servant of jah would not be "inactive or irregular" for years one was required to have at least one hour to be considered a servant of jah.. as the sec in my hall i recall so many times calling up friends to get thier time and hearing them break crying cause they didn't have 60min only about 45min- and they knew that it meant they were not servants of jah.
now with the new light from jw a person with only 14 minutes of time will now be disqualified as being a servant of jah.. it is amazing how many jw will view this arrangement as a "loving provision from jah" instead of realizing that thier service to thier god has been reduced to whether they get 15min or 14 min.
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
Thank you ladies for all the comments and to the guys as well. I just want to be clear that when at 17 I thought any girl would want me I figured out how wrong is the image the WT teaches about women in general. Think about it, even a married woman with an elder as husband, cannot escape the idea of an easy girl if the Opportunity arises.
I am happy to say that I have my feet firmly on the ground and I know my limits.
Replacing Guy Pierce—how big is the pool from which to choose?
by L3G inrespectful_observer's thread on guy pierce's death,.
got me thinking.
We need a spanish GB, they have to inject some latin flavor to that old group!!! Amazing how we never have a list of the Minorities
A congregation with all the craziest wts teachings
by rebel8 ini was just imagining, what if a group started their own congregation, with all of the wackiest teachings.
can you imagine what that would be like?.
the library would be full of 1800s-1980s publications.
All I can say is, how could we not see this before? Pure lunacy!!!!
BOE: Kaboom to DOs
by pixel into all congregations re: district overseers.
dear brothers:.
march 20, 2014. we are pleased to inform you of a significant decision made by the governing body that will affect the work of traveling overseers worldwide.
This is good news and bad, because now the ex'do's that will not make the cut as co's will be complete jerks to the R&F and we will see an increase in legalism
BOE District Overseers- CONFIDENTIAL
by WatchTower87 ininstruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
boe district overseers- confidential pdf:
Wow no more Do's!!!
GB Pierce - DEAD
by Smiles inannouncement here:.
So now he can supervise the Headquaters construction from heaven and he will find out if big J wanted them to move from NYC.
Had someone read Tarot cards for me.
by Comatose ini don't subscribe to anything supernatural anymore.
but i wanted to experience it just for the simple pleasure of it.
since i don't believe anymore it has zero guilt and can just be fun.
Hey comatose! I've been thinkin of trying the same thing. So the guy did not know anything special? How did he find out about losing family part??
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
That is probably how the worldly woman in the elder's training video had to look like... STUPID CULT
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
It is funny and sad at the same time. We are born into a religiuos sytem that says 'we are special', 'we are not like the world', 'the devil is watching your every move to tempt you with a hot and horny woman or man', the borg caution us to 'NEVER BE ALONE WITH A WOMAN, YOU WILL SIN!!! These dam writers don't get any action and have no clue of the real world. The WT leaders simply want to control our every move and they love it when a young JW leaves the cult and does not know how to behave in the real world.