We have to die to find out
JoinedPosts by suavojr
When we die...
by Finallyfree12 indo you beleive our spirit lives on in other dimensions or are we really just dead?
Gotta love the internet!!
by ILoveTTATT ingotta love the internet... you can find out the watchtower deception in minutes.
this is an awesome example of cherrypicking:.
*** w79 2/15 p. 13 insight on the news ***.
JW's preaching FREELY in Havana, CUBA?? REALLY????
by suavojr income on you fellow ex-jw's and cuban apostates, this picture on jw.org has to be another lie from the gb.
i don't buy it!
the cubans in my area have always said they preach in cuba, but do they really do it in the same way as in the states?.
The Masters of Spin--Local numbers from your Apostate Account Servant
by suavojr inytd average.
yearly contribution.
$ 2,625.85. donation resolution .
fat freet no worries, I have it figured out. The numbers are real but not final, I will not be posting final numbers.
The Masters of Spin--Local numbers from your Apostate Account Servant
by suavojr inytd average.
yearly contribution.
$ 2,625.85. donation resolution .
The reason the word projects is such a big deal to me, is because a smart JW can conclude these are current projects. When you take those words out, it is simply stating they need to add new buildings. I guess that at the of the day, mostly apostates or the conscious class within the rank-and-file are the only ones that notice. The rest will simply clap in excitement for the new arrangement.
Nevertheless watchtower knows how to spin it!
The Masters of Spin--Local numbers from your Apostate Account Servant
by suavojr inytd average.
yearly contribution.
$ 2,625.85. donation resolution .
YTD Average
Yearly contribution
$ 218.82
$ 2,625.85
Donation Resolution
New Yearly contribution
Increase in donation
$ 326.00
$ 3,912.00
Hello all,
I am currently still serving as an Account Servant for my local KH and have been awake to TTATT a little over a year now. I just wanted to take the time to share the numbers and for everyone to see how this new arrangement will be a complete success.
After the meeting last night, our monthly resolution is of $326. Keep in mind that we still need to wait to add the slips the brothers will bring in on Sunday, therefore the above total will go up.
My congregation’s YTD average contributions for the KH construction box in the last 12 months was $218.82, but now it will be $326.00. For example purposes, let’s just say the number stays at $326. If you do the math that is an increase of 49% of guaranteed money for the Society.
Our congregation has over $20k in the bank, what do you think will happen with those funds each month we don’t meet the monthly resolution? We all know the answer. The elders will conform to the WT and they will match the amount needed to meet the congregation’s resolution, and thus our funds will be slowly depleted.
Who will benefit from the surplus in contributions?
Who does the GB answer to on how they use our money?
Will this be truly for Jesus Kingdom advancement?
Why can’t JW’s setup a similar system where the less fortunate members can get help?
So many questions will go unanswered and everyone will be all smiles just because they have a nice building to worship in.
On a side note, we all know that in the English version the letter reads:
The need for Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls is greater than ever before. At this time, over 13,000 Kingdom Hall projects and 35 Assembly Hall projects are needed worldwide.
In the Spanish version, the translating department omitted the words projects in its entirety. This is how it reads:
The need for Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls is greater than ever before. At this time, over 13,000 Kingdom Hall and 35 Assembly Hall are needed worldwide.
If anyone has the Spanish version of the letter, it would be greatly appreciated. I recorded the elder reading the letter and there is no mistake he did not read the words projects, so it creates the illusion of new building constructions.
Interesting how thoughts get lost in translation and new ones inserted at the same time, (WT the Masters of Spin)
Now the JW’s in the Spanish community have the idea that we will get 13,000 and 35 NEW buildings with their hard earned money.
Thoughts and comments are welcomed and if you currently serve as an Account servant, please share your thoughts and inside story.
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Nice one James Brown
last big convention-last memorial buzz
by scotoma inare others hearing this meme from speakers at their congregation?.
is it a newspeak technique for instilling a sense of urgency?.
if it is - it's more manipulative than 1975. it seems like a way of getting around over use of the word "soon", "just around the corner".. maybe after 100 years of waiting they feel they need to approach it from another angle.. i should mention that the qualifier "may" is added "this may be our last___________________ fill in the blank.. lots of wiggle room.
Yes, since they used that wording in the KM for the memorial now the R&F are awaiting for something big to happen.
Comstock Sign Systems!
by Atlantis incomstock sign systems .
http://www.comstocksigns.com/files/kingdom-hall-signs.pdf .
.. petra.
Jehovahs Witnesses immediately formed a disaster relief committee to aid the victims.
by suavojr infirst, i thought they closed the branch in chile?
and second, check out the comment:.
+1 718 560 5000. chile: jason d. reed, tel.
Thanks blondie for the link :)