I also did not like that they claimed that the Israelites did not rape. While they may not have done it on the spot, in many cases the virgins were forced to marry the very soldiers they just witnessed kill their parents and siblings. They could pick out those "beautiful in form" "all who they chose" What if she did not want to have sex with her new husband? He wouldnt force himself on her would he?
The book is horrible but the reading assingment was worst...
I guess they did not read the reading assignment for this week from the book of Numbers chapters 30 to 32. Chapter 31 clearly shows how loving these Israelites really were.
On the bright side, many did not raise their hands and I suspect a good portion had the same thoughts I did. I know for a fact that many JWs struggle with the barbarism of the OT. I know I did. Unlike other religions, the GB do not try to forget about the barbarism, they highlight it and praise it as good!
During the bible highlights only 7 people made a comment and NOT ONE PERSON was brave enough to talk about the killings perpetuated in chapter 31. Like many have said before, when you read the bible and isolate the verses that preachers don’t like to highlight, YOU TURN ATHEIST!!
I was hearing on the radio testimonies from women who escaped ISIS and I could not finish the complete story. The woman who first spoke was telling how they are selling 9 year old girls for sex, how women decided to hang themselves or cut their wrists vs. getting raped, and I could hear the pain and anguish through the radio. I had to turn it off.
ISIS does all of this in the name of Allah and the Israelites did it in the name of Yahweh, what is the difference? NONE.