JoinedPosts by suavojr
37 Coming Soon!!
by ABibleStudent ini visited the jehovah's witness report website today.
i read the following article:.
on october 1st 2014, barbara anderson will join in and participate in the launch of a new website
The height of delusion on display at last Tuesdays meeting...
by BU2B ini literally just sat there with my mouth open.
sometimes the delusional mind of jws takes steroids.. it was during the draw close to jehovah study where they praise the mosaic law and how perfectly wonderful it was.
you should have seen the almost giddy attitude the conductor had and the comments from the audience.
I also did not like that they claimed that the Israelites did not rape. While they may not have done it on the spot, in many cases the virgins were forced to marry the very soldiers they just witnessed kill their parents and siblings. They could pick out those "beautiful in form" "all who they chose" What if she did not want to have sex with her new husband? He wouldnt force himself on her would he?
The book is horrible but the reading assingment was worst...
I guess they did not read the reading assignment for this week from the book of Numbers chapters 30 to 32. Chapter 31 clearly shows how loving these Israelites really were.
On the bright side, many did not raise their hands and I suspect a good portion had the same thoughts I did. I know for a fact that many JWs struggle with the barbarism of the OT. I know I did. Unlike other religions, the GB do not try to forget about the barbarism, they highlight it and praise it as good!
During the bible highlights only 7 people made a comment and NOT ONE PERSON was brave enough to talk about the killings perpetuated in chapter 31. Like many have said before, when you read the bible and isolate the verses that preachers don’t like to highlight, YOU TURN ATHEIST!!
I was hearing on the radio testimonies from women who escaped ISIS and I could not finish the complete story. The woman who first spoke was telling how they are selling 9 year old girls for sex, how women decided to hang themselves or cut their wrists vs. getting raped, and I could hear the pain and anguish through the radio. I had to turn it off.
ISIS does all of this in the name of Allah and the Israelites did it in the name of Yahweh, what is the difference? NONE.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
So after 125 pages and 63,016 views...
God is not great.
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. [...] who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent?" Nietzsche
No one will stop the suffering and religious fundamentalists will continue to have this twisted moral mentality, that horrible death is good because God can fix it. So what is God waiting for? all we hear is [SILENCE]
Blown away-- where to go from here
by All for show ini stumbled upon this website a few weeks ago due to the ridiculousness, since then i haven't been able to pull myself away.
the thoughts, feelings, and concerns i have had the past few years aren't just mine.
it's global.
You will find out that although we might not agree on how we view the world, God, death, etc... conformity never equals unity.
Welcome and enjoy the ride!
Minor Update to circuit accounting scam
by Justnowout inmany outside are now aware of the scam.... the brother announces a "deficit" at the assemblies.
what they dont announce is that the so called expenses include a predetermined donation to the branch.
meaning, the assembly hall is paid for so the basic expenses should be utilities, maybe some speaker expenses and a 52nd share of property taxes and the like.... however the "deficit" always seems to run into the thousands with "expenses incured" totaling 7-10k.
They cut in half the number of days a circuit or group of congregations uses the hall but double the expected contribution. Thus, the hall is used more and donated for more. Sons of b****s
Some people have great imagination, I should change careers and start my own religion
Will JW.ORG actually harm the WT Society Long Term ?
by flipper inmy son and i were discussing this yesterday over coffee.
since the wt society in previous years virtually demonized going on the internet at all for jw's - now wt leaders are doing a complete turn around or about face probably so as to " compete " or keep up with all the anti-jw websites that are out there to give the wt society point of view.. however- it very well may backfire on them as once people start doing google searches looking for it will bring up all the other websites dealing with any jw issues and in the privacy of their own homes out of curiosity i'm sure lots of jw's are going to want to check out some of these sites to see what all the " apostate " hoopla is all about.
i wonder how many jw's will do this and will it have an effect in opening more minds to other views ?
And adding to outlaw's comment...
The current JW's are lazier than ever when it comes to deep study, they just sing kumbaya ALL THE WAY
"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"
by suavojr inas current witnesses, ex-jw's, believers, non believers.
the topic of what truth is, has been the dominating thought and motivation to many of us here.. so, what is truth?.
a question that has lingered since the dawn of our consciousness and it will stay as long as the human race is around.. .
Hey brainfloss, thanks for reminding me what I wrote 4 months ago
NEW 'Bible Teach' book... to be released at Annual Meeting?
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this has been mentioned on this board yet, but i just heard from a fairly reliable source that the annual meeting will discuss, among other things, major changes in the 'bible teach' book.
has anyone else heard this??.
Well it depreciates because God is taking his sweet time to bring the big A
Powerful photo
by zakharijah inhi,.
i just stumbled upon this photo on facebook (pic by david j. m. coleman), and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.... .
Which situation would jesus respond to, according to to nt teachings if he came upon this scene?
"What Does the Bible REALLY Teach?"... and not ONE BIBLE IN SIGHT!
These quotes are priceless
Saturday morning field service is a joke
by hoser ini havent been going door to door saturday mornings for since i can't remember when.
i have been putting in regular reports to the congregation but the last time i actually went on a door was probably six months ago or so and it has been at least 2 years since i did a saturday morning.
9:30 we showed up to the group arrangement, we waited outside because we were not sure that it was the right place.
as always outlaw is very funny