That's probably true, scratchme1010. Though they might not know it, they are jealous. lol
I know they pity me...they fell "sorry" for me but I feel "sorry" for them. What a pitiful lie they are living.
does the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type?.
That's probably true, scratchme1010. Though they might not know it, they are jealous. lol
I know they pity me...they fell "sorry" for me but I feel "sorry" for them. What a pitiful lie they are living.
a local elder had the part this week on the "good news" brochure.
he said: "if the householder has any questions, direct them to, don't say, just look up jehovah's witnesses on the internet(an older sister said this at the door), if you do they will be directed to a site visited by apostates and weak witnesses!
" "this mistake, would cause the householder to never accept bible truth".. i thought to myself, wow, i'm sure some listening to this part, will get curious now(many in the hall are just being exposed to the internet, and practicing with their new tablets) and do, just what they were told not to do..
new letter today (please visit for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
Not that Elders ever followed that least none that I'm aware of.
so had to check it out to see what it's all about.. what i got was more cloudiness.
as in luke 2:9.... suddenly jehovah’s angel stood before them, and jehovah’s glory gleamed around them, and they became very fearful.
the notes point out.... jehovah’s angel: this expression occurs many times in the hebrew scriptures, starting at ge 16:7. when it occurs in early copies of the septuagint, the greek word agʹge·los (angel; messenger) is followed by the divine name written in hebrew characters.
Thanks for posting. I find particularly interesting the last quote you cite. The rest of the quote mentions: "When that happens, when evidence is at hand, biblical researchers will have to give due consideration to the views held by the NW editors. Until that day, translators must follow the manuscript tradition as it is currently known, even if some of its characteristics appear to us puzzling, perhaps even inconsistent with what we believe. Anything translators want to add to clarify the meaning of ambiguous passages, such as those where “Lord” might refer to either God or the Son of God, can and should be put into footnotes, while keeping the Bible itself in the words given to us.
So, WT basically cherry picked just what they wanted to make their point. However, it seems they don't agree with the full thought of this scholar, Jason BeDuhn because they still replace "Lord" to suit their beliefs.yesterday i was listening to the radio at work as usual.
i listen to npr (national public radio) on most days.
there was a report about some ex-jw's who were "daring to dream" again.
The link is posted a few posts below. :)
can't comment on this right now because i'm heading off to school .
Thanks for sharing..
seems jw's are allowed to remember valentine's day as long as it involves a trolley/cart or jw broadcast.
this is serious stuff!
i saw this on my facebook news feed shared by few brothers and sisters:.
i'm taking a class, and we are learning about jws.
my teacher is talking about a "big brown book" that is used for any questions or scriptures quoted by the person who jws are talking to.
he used it in the context that if they don't know the answer off the top of their head, they look for the verse in this book.. what is the name of this book?.
Isn't Insight a brown book? or maybe it's green.
anyone else think it's wrong to ask a women with small children to volunteer there time, ask if they like to come to a potential study etc etc?.
my wife just spent an entire day helping with a kingdom hall reno while i babysat.
i latter stepped out and saw half the elders having coffee because they had so many people show up, they were tripping over each other.. i also have no idea what tangible skill my wife offered or why it is important she needs to be there.. i just wish these men would man up and be men, instead of just wasting everyone's time on purpose.
Good for you freddo!
in 4 segments because won't post all.. .
segment 1. .
blondie’s comments on the february 12, 2017 wt study (november 2016) (minds on spirit).
Watchtowers quote: "They set their minds on—are most deeply interested in, constantly talk about, engage and glory in—the things pertaining to the flesh."
Full sentence: "They set their minds on—are most deeply interested in, constantly talk about, engage and glory in—the things pertaining to the flesh, that is, to sinful human nature."
They left out "sinful human nature" That is the flesh. What is so sinful about travel and hobbies?