just looked at this brief comment on a meeting in Moscow:
JoinedPosts by InquiryMan
I doubt this is a Jehovah´s witness in good standing ;-)
by InquiryMan injust looked at this brief comment on a meeting in moscow:.
BBC Programme on JW youth
by InquiryMan inhas anyone in the uk seen this programme.
unfortunately, non-uk residents are not able to watch this transmission on internet...is there anyone who might see it who would download it somehow and download it and share it.. if anyone has seen it, how was it?.
Very interesting input... I got news of the programme by means of a short twitter message.
good, then that the programme seemed to be much more balanced than the impression I got... And as I suspected, the parents not heavily involved in JWism. They did not look that way either, especielly the children....
Anyway, I hope Megan will get a happy life and that her problems will be resolved.
BBC Programme on JW youth
by InquiryMan inhas anyone in the uk seen this programme.
unfortunately, non-uk residents are not able to watch this transmission on internet...is there anyone who might see it who would download it somehow and download it and share it.. if anyone has seen it, how was it?.
Has anyone in the UK seen this programme
Unfortunately, non-UK residents are not able to watch this transmission on internet...Is there anyone who might see it who would download it somehow and download it and share it.
If anyone has seen it, how was it?
I guess the Watchtower society is not too happy about this...
Ray Franz: destroying personal files of dfed
by compound complex inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/164942/1/do-not-destroy-your-file-after-reinstatement.
karl adams, writing department overseer, wrote a letter to president knorr (november 18, 1971), questioning the keeping of voluminous files containing embarrassing information on disfellowshipped persons.
even after individuals were reinstated, their files were retained:.
This practice is forbidden in some countries, e.g. in Norway.
In Denmark, files were stolen from Bethel some time ago - much to the embarrassment of the Danish Bethel.
How Many Here Actually "Studied" The Publications?
by minimus inwhen i was a teenager i extensively studied nearly every publication.
i especially enjoyed looking up the root words meanings in the hebrew and greek of the bible language.
it gave me the flavor of a word and its origins.
I read all the magazines, all the articles, often also old volumes (has a good memory, so I easily so contradictions at times when doing this).
Read all the new publications with a week after publication. Loved the yearbook... (and still reads it, even seven years after exiting)...
Did underlining and looking up bible passages. Loved reading Insight on the Scriptures and the Proclaimers book. Also liked the "Search" book..
Which is worst cult---JW or Scientology?
by cameo-d indo these two cults have more similarities or more differences?.
is one any worse than the other?.
Beyond comparison. Scientology is scary and far more controversial. JWs are much more "mainstream" in values etc....
wife took it pretty well i guess...it's over...
by oompa ini guess it only took three years, but they were hell in so many ways for both of us...she was not happy and lived in denial as much as possible...i was not happy and lived in a bottle as much as possible and glad that is over for me....but it was one of the saddest things i have ever experienced in my life....as was the visit to my parents before i told her....but yes...she said she kind of expected it...was thinking something was going to happen soon as she noticed i had more and more trouble saying i love you back to her when she said it on the phone at the end of goodbyes...and when i was leaving the house...i had noticed it for over a year and it was killing me..... i told her how sorry i was for changing so much again....and that she still walks on water...and is a great person and so pretty....and that she will be ok because she was happy single before me for many years and had all she needs for that again...her closeness to jehovah and her freinds in the congregation...she is very close to both and will be ok i hope...it was very surreal....very calm...very sad.
my bitterness and disdain for wt rules came through when talking to my parents and i was very open about how i feel as to their upcoming shunning of me, and how it feels to my son since he was just 17....and how the fear of losing them had kept me trying in my marriage for the past few years...dad was firm in his position of future action....mom said they will still always love me...and will still talk to me until i get dfd.....oh how this hurts.....dad said there is a name for people who only live for themselves and deny god but could not think of what it was....i told him i was not living just for myself...that i am a good person and there are values from him and the bible i hope i always have....i cry so hard as i type this and tell you just so you can know how painful this is....i told him i so loved the rule of treating others how you want to be treated and have always done that...even allowing myself to be wronged on so many occasions to keep peace....... he said that was a good rule....i agreed and said it was a big one too....and that while i could do it...treat him the way i would like to be treated...he would not be able to!.......left as i became emotional...big hug from mom, but i just barely put an arm on dad............oompa.
Feeling sad too, but it will be better ... Your mother is in pain too...But you did the right thing.
How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??
by Lady Liberty inhi everyone.... just curious how many of you knew when you were active, about the societys official teaching regarding jesus the mediator.
i was floored to find in my research, that they teach jesus is the mediator for the 144,000 only.
and it is only by our association with them that we might have salvation.. i don't know about you guys but i was blown away when i learned they taught this.
I did now, but was not comfortable with the teaching... Now I am happy partaking the bread and wine of the last supper when attending church.
Dumbest Awake Title Ever?
by metatron ini hold in my hand the nov. awake magazine entitled "technology - blessing or curse?"..
now, i understand the need for balance and moderation in using technology, as the magazine says - but could they come up with a more intelligent sounding title?
it makes the question sound as if abandoning technology might be a solution, a considered choice, a real possibility.
Remember once: Is Sugar really sweet? or something like that.
It was about slave trade . The story was interesting itself..
I also remember that they got a letter to "From Our readers" making them aware that some of the illustrations had 20th century clothing...
And they answered something like, they forgot to turn the clock back or something like that.
When I was a JW, I especially liked the "critical" letters in that column
Swedish government declines to give JW financial support
by InquiryMan inquite recently, watchtower in sweden applied for governmental financial support, as they are entitled to as a registered religious community.
however, the government declined to accept the application, stating that the reason was that the jws do not adhere to democratic values and standards and do not support mainstream values.. the witnesses are upset, because they feel discriminated against.
they state that the financial issue is not the real issue, but to be treated in a similar way as other religious communities.. they have appealed the decision and plan to send a report explaining the witnesses views in more detail.. the branch office chose the religious, pentecostal (assembly of god) newspaper "dagen" to make an interview.. here is the photo report of the article.. .
Primarily the voting issue and view on bloodtransfusion ere issues of concern. Also I will suppose the shunning/DFs issues.