Monopoly was never frowned upon when I was a JW... Is that another american phenomenon?
JoinedPosts by InquiryMan
What Are Some Stupid Things JW's Ban
by Pig ini wanted to make a dramatic video to remind jw's to be faithful in what is least.. i need as many things as possible, each will only get a few seconds each but it will speed up until the things arent visable to the naked eye and it will end with a spining grinning satan head.
huh, i know it's nuts but trust me it wil work.. these are the types of things i'm looking for.
april fools day.
Swiss Branch closing down
by InquiryMan inthis newspaper article published in a capital news paper reports this including an interview with a watchtower spokesman.. it seems that less than half of the bethelites will be transferred to the german branch in selters that will supervise the work in switzerland from 2011.also, it seems that the branch offices in austria and luxembourg will undergo the same transition.
the remaining bethelites will stay on in switzerland, some will go on as full time pioneers.. .
This newspaper article published in a capital news paper reports this including an interview with a Watchtower spokesman.
It seems that less than half of the bethelites will be transferred to the German branch in Selters that will supervise the work in Switzerland from 2011.Also, it seems that the branch offices in Austria and Luxembourg will undergo the same transition. The remaining bethelites will stay on in Switzerland, some will go on as full time pioneers.
Spanish JW admitted to Foundation for Pluralism and Coexistens".
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting information in the 2010 report on international religious freedom.
the government has taken steps to integrate non-catholic religious groups through the foundation for pluralism and coexistence.
the foundation provides funds to minority and religious groups to promote religious freedom and dialogue.
bttt, it would be nice if someone from Spain or real knowledge of JWs could provide an answer :-)
Spanish JW admitted to Foundation for Pluralism and Coexistens".
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting information in the 2010 report on international religious freedom.
the government has taken steps to integrate non-catholic religious groups through the foundation for pluralism and coexistence.
the foundation provides funds to minority and religious groups to promote religious freedom and dialogue.
I found this interesting information in the 2010 Report on International Religious Freedom
«The government has taken steps to integrate non-Catholic religious groups through the Foundation for Pluralism and Coexistence. The foundation provides funds to minority and religious groups to promote religious freedom and dialogue. According to the MOJ, in 2009 the foundation provided funds to 587 projects that represented 527 religious entities (269 Muslims, 239 Protestant, and 19 Jewish). This represented a 7.7 percent increase from 2008.
The foundation's funds, $6.2 million (5 million euro) in 2010, are used for cultural, educational, and social integration programs (not religious activities). The foundation's board of directors includes representatives of most government ministries as well as members of concerned religious groups themselves. In 2009 the board admitted representatives from the Mormon, Buddhist, and Jehovah's Witness communities. Beyond providing support and various seminars, the foundation published studies on religious minorities throughout the country. In addition, the foundation funded the book Discover Islam as a textbook for Muslim students in primary education. The foundation also hosts sports activities and provides language training and youth tutoring classes, all within the local communities. Muslim and Protestant leaders continue to cite the foundation's work as a positive step for integrating non-Catholic religious groups into mainstream society. In 2009, for example, the Foundation organized 18 training seminars in different regions of the country and financed 22 seminars to promote religious freedom.»
Does anyone now whether the JWs accepted its admittance or if they declined participating in the Foundations work?
As a JW, what did you do on Christmas Day?
by Magwitch ingrowing up a jw, we always had family from out of town visit or we would go visit family.
it was fun to get together with my other jw cousins over christmas.
(however, it was hell going back to school in january as the only girl without a new sweater).. as a married jw though it was a different story.
Watched the christmas programmes on TV in daytime, usually family get to gether in the evening. Always very nice...
Swiss TV Program w/Andersons and Bowen on the Internet although in French
by AndersonsInfo ini just received the email below from an xjw in quebec.
we were wondering if we would get to see the program, a jw expose', we were interviewed for last spring and now everyone can see it all on the internet.
it aired on swiss tv yesterday.
I saw it, and it was well done. Witnesses were also given footage, although it seemed to me that this was more as to give them a chance to give their version in a way... The brother interview in disguise, stated that the witnesses claim their organization is perfect. Well it has been said many times that the organization is made up of imperfect people, thus not perfect. However, of course by means of the way it is taught in the congregation, one is told to obey as if it was perfect...
The witnesses portrayed also gave a positive impression.
Does the Watchtower contain photo's of the Devil
by jwfacts ini have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.
Could it by that publication entitled something with worldwide peace... That contained some odd idead on living on other planets and stuff..
bethel brother murdered by fellow JW
by InquiryMan inthis took place in the "branch-town" of selters in germany in front of more than 30 other witnesses.. it was a knife-stabbing that took place without a word or anything in advance that could explain why it happened.. quite a tragedy... .
(if one puts the url in google-translate, one might understand what it is all about for those who do not speak german)..
Thanks for providing the link. did not realize I was double-posting.
bethel brother murdered by fellow JW
by InquiryMan inthis took place in the "branch-town" of selters in germany in front of more than 30 other witnesses.. it was a knife-stabbing that took place without a word or anything in advance that could explain why it happened.. quite a tragedy... .
(if one puts the url in google-translate, one might understand what it is all about for those who do not speak german)..
It appears that there is some distinction in the information on the killer´s relations to the JW... One source states that he has been baptized for two years. A policemen stated he was taking steps to become a member..
the murder took place in the Kingdom Hall...
Pretty dramatic pictures here in Bild Zeitung:
One reason JW's go to their Meetings
by Sour Grapes inlast week i drove by the kh thursday at 6:25 pm which is.
35 minutes before the meeting starts and there were already.
15 cars in the parking lot.
That might apply to some witnesses. However, that is not my general impression... many go to the movies, theatre, sports events, have gatherings, travel a lot etc... Quite a few also have regular association with non-witness family.