What’s wrong with today’s parents?? They are producing a generation of entitled brats!
So says every curmudgeon who has ever lived in human history...
i see a lot of kids that rarely get discipline.
they are allowed to do whatever they want and if someone says something to them they don’t want to hear, they blow them off, ignore them or engage in disrespectful talk.. what’s wrong with today’s parents??
they are producing a generation of entitled brats!.
What’s wrong with today’s parents?? They are producing a generation of entitled brats!
So says every curmudgeon who has ever lived in human history...
i don't like micheal moore at all but he produced this doc and it is exactly what i have been saying about the renewable energy myth for years.
So what's the TLDR of the documentary?
The greenest thing about green energy is the money corporations are pocketing via taxpayer subsidy. Green energy uses just as much, if not more, fossil fuel than proponents claim green energy offsets. Green energy leaves a trail of environmental destruction wherever it goes. There is nothing sustainable about sustainable energy.
The documentary also lays out a case that serious population control and a shift away from consumption economies is necessary to prevent future, planet wide cataclysm.
i don't like micheal moore at all but he produced this doc and it is exactly what i have been saying about the renewable energy myth for years.
I just watched this. It is a must see for anyone interested in "green energy." It'll be too bad if some people see the words Michael Moore and dismiss it although it would be interesting to see the reactions of Michael Moore fans. Michael Moore produced the documentary, he didn't make it.
my dad just became mistrial servant should i move out i’m almost 18. what the hell should i do?
What concerns me are the scandals
Yes, that is a concern. My military ex told me a couple of stories. But to be fair, the military does not have a monopoly on bad behavior. The military is a reflection of society at large. Churches, Fortune 500 companies, mom and pop stores, big cities, small villages, college campuses, even the freaking Boy Scouts! All have or have had dishonorable men and women in their ranks.
my dad just became mistrial servant should i move out i’m almost 18. what the hell should i do?
* will you enlist in the military? I often suggest this to GUYS, but I'm not sure that for the average young lady it is a great idea.
The last "love of my life" was an officer in the Army. I didn't know that much about military life before she came along, but holy cow! The military has so many benefits! And those benefits last a lifetime. I encourage young people, whether male or female, to at least seriously consider a stint in the military. The military will whip you into shape, teach some discipline, and the recruit will learn some skills (and no, the skills are not all about killing people). My ex has traveled the world and is now in grad school thanks to the US Army. I met many of her female Army friends. I admit it is not for everyone, but it is an option more young folk should explore. As a bonus, when young jw youth go into the military, jw's are aghast.
i’ve been at work with some jws over the last week.. i was conversing with one jw elder who mentioned having a couple of drinks after work, on the evening of a zoom meeting.
he said he never drinks before a meeting, but did this occasion.
this jw is not a heavy drinker, he’s very moderate compared to most.. this got me thinking about the other jws i use to associate with, who were actually drinkers, blokes that would drink 8+ beers, when it’s gone out comes the scotch or vodka.. i think they’ll be counting the sober bro’s on one hand at these meetings.
Most of the attendees at this meeting look pretty sloshed.
since i've never lived in time with dire events, this virus and it's effects, has taken me by surprise.
not that i should be surprised by how people responded, but until you experience it first hand, you just don't get the scope of it all.. all the hoarding.
i've always taken things in a more rational way.
I don't know how things will change in real life, but it better change in disaster movies. You've seen disaster movies (asteroid heading for earth, ufo attacks, etc) where people are running around in a panic, cars are crashing into each other, fires everywhere, and other assorted mayhem. In the future, if a disaster movie doesn't include one scene where people are beating the tar out of each other as they fight over the last roll of FREAKING TOILET PAPER at the Wal-Mart, I will be deeply disappointed.
just received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
If there is no need to reply immediately, send your reply on April 9, 2021. The reply could be as simple as, "You were saying...?"
Make sure to include the original note in your reply.
it’s cognac.
couldn’t sign-in for some reason so i created a new account.
just was wondering what’s going on with the memorial this year cause my kids father wants to have them during that time.
I'd suggest milk and cookies.
i am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
Dolly Parton, an expert on cosmetic surgery and religion, said (paraphrasing), "The Lord helps those who help themselves. So if it bags, sags, or drags I get it fixed."