Penguins wandering around Chicago's Shedd Aquarium
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
Post some short, fun videos
by frozen2018 insheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video.
what gave you a good laugh?
post it here.
Post some short, fun videos
by frozen2018 insheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video.
what gave you a good laugh?
post it here.
Sheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video. What gave you a good laugh? Post it here. It'll be interesting to see what people find humorous. I like animals, especially dogs.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Such a shit video...
JW's and Retirement Planning
by JaNayNee inmy mother is a jw.
i studied for several years and ultimately could not digest what was being served.
for the last 20 years my mother has done nothing to prepare for retirement.
Years ago a talk titled "Responsible Childbearing in the Time of the End" was given at an assembly. I've often wondered if they would ever give a talk called "Responsible Retirement Planning in the Time of the End." I'm extremely thankful that I took a path that includes a great retirement plan which includes retiree health care.
Funny how these in it to the end Dems are dropping out, could this be why?
by JimmyYoung ini am wondering if the dems dropping out who were "in it to the end" are dropping out because of having to shake hands and go into crowds with the corona virus spreading.
I was surprised to see Klobuchar drop out today as tomorrow is Primary day in Minnesota. Then again she had to cancel a campaign event in the Cities over the weekend because of left wing protesters. I'm guessing her internal polling showed a lot of weakness here so she bailed. Her ads are still running on TV (Pete's are also). No refunds on ad buys? I would think she would have donated her ad time to Biden.
Greta Thunberg, Worse than Plague
by Simon inso greta thunberg thinks the world pollutes too much.
specifically, the parts of the world that pollute the least and have the cleanest industries.
she doesn't seem to care about india or china who are the biggest polluters by far.. "how dare they".
Here's a young lady who has been branded the "Anti-Greta" which is a term she dislikes. As mean spirited as some folks think the Right has been to Greta, if Naomi starts to get any traction at all, the Left will attack her with the ferocity of 10.000 rabid dogs. Meet Naomi Seibt:
Corona beer sales vs coronavirus ?
by smiddy3 ini`m just curious as to whether the corona beer sales have plummeted since this coronavirus has spread in different parts of the world .. it wouldn`t surprise me if sales had a nose dive since this outbreak and just wondered if anybody has any information concerning this ?.
word association plays a big part in many peoples lives..
Would any self respecting beer drinker buy Corona in the first place? And yes, I am a home brewing beer snob...
JW satire piece in The Babylon Bee
by frozen2018 ini enjoy satire.
from the babylon bee:.
I enjoy satire. From the Babylon Bee:
Why do TV networks keep "bleeping" out Trumps comments and statement?
by RubaDub ini don't understand it.
we have a president who is typically considered a model for what young people want to be when they grow up.
yet, when trump talks, the tv networks keep bleeping out so many of his words, even on fox news.. why?
I agree with Rub a Dub. I hear Trump speaking and I end up thinking it's some rap artist.
SuperBowl 54: US Sports vs UK Sports
by Simon inso a few things .... apparently it's superbowl 54, and also the centennial of the sport.
erm ... i'm not a mathematician, but aren't there 46 superbowls missing?.
americans claim that uk sport ("soccer", aka real football) is too low scoring.
One of the guys at work put together a Super Bowl board and I tossed in my $20. This morning he handed me $750 as my numbers, 0-0, were in the half-time and 3rd quarter score. I had forgotten I was even on the board. I think this was the first time I had ever won anything on a sports board. It was a nice way to start a new work week.