Is it New Zealand? I've been there many times. I used to work about 2,500 miles south of Christchurch.
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
I live in a country where people did listen.
What country do you live in? Sounds like paradise and I want to visit. It's entirely possible I've already been there.
One of my favorite actors. RIP Sir Sean.
didn’t leave literally for months
Where I live we had a great summer. How many people wasted it by sitting indoors binge watching crap on Netflix?
It really is shameless. I rarely watch the national news because it's always so negative. I did happen to watch the opening of the morning national news today. "Record COVID this morning blah, blah, blah." The video that was shown was shot in a hospital. There was a medical team all dressed in the maximum protective gear and they were frantically working to keep the patient alive. They even did a close up of the intubation! The background music was intense and dramatic. I couldn't help but think, "My God! That might happen to me! Orange man bad!!" In reality I know a few people who have actually tested positive for COVID. Only one ended up in the hospital and he is in his 50's, morbidly obese (and I mean morbidly) and diabetic among other ailments. He was hospitalized for a few days and went home. He is back to work now. The rest of the people I know at worst felt kind of lousy for a few days.
HELP!! Just Woken Up - Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin ini've just been introduced to this site by a pimo friend of mine.
this will be my first post on this website.
i need help, and he told me you guys are a very supportive community.. i'm a female in my mid twenties.
Take time to count your blessings. First off, you are YOUNG (oh to be twenty something again), you are educated, you are employed, you are single, you do not have children, you don't own a house, and on and on. You are about as carefree as a person can possibly be. Because you are young you no doubt have a lot of energy. Don't waste it on fretting about a phony religion. You live with your parents? Be thankful for that, but do look for a place of your own. What do you do when you are not working? I hope you don't hang around your parents place with all that negative energy.
Do you like your work? How are your co-workers? Are you friends with any of them? If not, why not? Do you have any hobbies or other interests? Find a club where you can meet people who have the same pursuits. Find a non-profit org that tries to do good and volunteer. Do you have any relatives - aunts, uncles, cousins - who are not jw's? Reach out to them, maybe go for a visit. The watchtower organization pretends that it provides a safety net for the congregation and it does. But it's a safety net that demands absolute compliance with the org's phony doctrines. You need to (actually everybody needs to) build your own safety net of your own design.
And always keep in mind, no matter how terrible things seem to you, there are lots of people who are living in far worse conditions. It's like the old saying, "I complained about my sore feet until I met someone with no feet." And if you do meet with the elders try this. When you walk into the room there will be two or more men waiting for you. Simply say something like, "Given the known history of sexual predation this organization has, I cannot be alone in this room with you men" and walk out.
Polls Vs. Crowds
by minimus inwhen i see polls suggesting trump has a 95% chance to lose the presidency, according to drudge report, which is now totally liberal, and i see the huge crowds of trump supporters as opposed to the 20 people showing up for biden rallies, i have to wonder what i should believe.
do i believe my lying eyes or am i totally messed up?.
You guys need to understand Biden's strategy. What you heard was Joe speaking in tongues as he was trying to woo the Pentecostal voters. Those tongue speakers are a huge voter block that no campaign can afford to ignore.
Wasn't there a warning a few months ago that case numbers would rise in the fall?
Polls Vs. Crowds
by minimus inwhen i see polls suggesting trump has a 95% chance to lose the presidency, according to drudge report, which is now totally liberal, and i see the huge crowds of trump supporters as opposed to the 20 people showing up for biden rallies, i have to wonder what i should believe.
do i believe my lying eyes or am i totally messed up?.
Besides crowd size, something else I noticed is the number of yard signs. I live in a hard core left community. For months, driving around town I saw way more Trump signs than Biden signs. Just in the last couple of weeks have the Biden signs been showing up. To be honest, the numbers are about equal but keep in mind I live in a leftist community. During past elections signs for Bush, McCain, or Romney were about as common as unicorns. Driving in the rural areas the signs indicate Biden will actually come in third behind Trump and Firewood for Sale. -
It's been proven - repeatedly - by Social Justice Scientists that Black (remember to capitalize next time, min) people cannot be racists. It is impossible. They have also proven that all white (always lower case) people are racist without exception. Any white person who claims not to be racist is actually indulging in behavioral blackface and that is truly a disgusting, vile form of white supremacy.