Anna marina,
What makes you suspect they are searching out ones mentally checked out?
Ah yes, it’s the COs and elders doing the separating work, separating the wheats from the weeds. It’s harvest time!
what does everyone think will happen next on the back of the coronavirus pandemic?.
these are my suggestions;.
1) coronavirus will have a disproportionate effect on jw ‘growth’ countries like in south america and africa.
Anna marina,
What makes you suspect they are searching out ones mentally checked out?
Ah yes, it’s the COs and elders doing the separating work, separating the wheats from the weeds. It’s harvest time!
what does everyone think will happen next on the back of the coronavirus pandemic?.
these are my suggestions;.
1) coronavirus will have a disproportionate effect on jw ‘growth’ countries like in south america and africa.
I don’t know why the GB doesn’t decide to sell off all KHs worldwide. Look what happened in Russia, all assets were confiscated, WT lost all that money. If they believe this is going to happen worldwide, since were in the final seconds of the last minute of the last hour of the last days, wouldn’t it make the most sense? By keeping all the properties, it’s living proof they don’t ever believe that is going to happen.
if mankind needed to be redeemed from sin and death, why didn't the redemption happen as soon as jesus successfully lived his entire life without sin and sacrificed his life?
if he was successful, the price was paid and we'd all be living forever.
it's all bullshit, or jesus fucked up and sinned, so it nullified his sacrifice.
That scripture at Luke 14:26 is so fucked up. Anyone that is proud to do that to your flesh and blood is a pathetic son of a bitch.
many of them came down to have relations with women.
does that mean there are male angels?
if there are male and female, what makes them that with no physical body?
Many of them came down to have relations with women. Does that mean there are male angels? If there are male and female, what makes them that with no physical body? Is Jehovah male? If he is, what makes him male?
what do you think about this?.
That dude in the video made me laugh. I’m glad he’s happy! It just is a little scary when they think they have some divine protection when in reality, they don’t.
why do the elders always stress to the rank and file members of the congregation how important meeting attendance is, as well as the importance of always paying attention to every word that's being presented from the slave?
but then, during the meeting, they rarely sit and pay attention themselves to the wonderful spiritual banquet being presented?
they always seem so busy, don't they?
I think it could be for 2 reasons. The 1st is if the attendance is consistently low, the branch could put them on the chopping block and sell the KH. The 2nd reason is the indoctrination can wear off fairly fast if you stay away from it for several weeks and it happens even faster if you have doubts that you can ponder over.
may 2020 local needs.
emphasis was on, if phone / tablet app did not come from the governing body, then stay away from it.. it was mentioned that their is a virtual cart app out there being used.
an app not by the governing body.
I heard the announcement on this virtual cart too and wondered what the hell that meant.
hello, i was hoping to get some clarification about how people are disciplined for immorality as a jw.
i became involved with a co-worker a few years ago, she was fairly aggressive and she initiated a physical relationship very quickly.
at the time i did not know she was married and a jw.
Think of how many loved ones this woman is deceiving and lying to. Not someone you want to be with, she will do the same to you.
if mankind needed to be redeemed from sin and death, why didn't the redemption happen as soon as jesus successfully lived his entire life without sin and sacrificed his life?
if he was successful, the price was paid and we'd all be living forever.
it's all bullshit, or jesus fucked up and sinned, so it nullified his sacrifice.
God is responsible for all the suffering in the world. He had already created disease and death and it was on full display for Adam and Eve to see all the animals go through it. Let's be clear, he did this before Adam and Eve sinned. What kind of a "loving" God, would create something just to get cancer, suffer and die? If he had any ounce of love in his fucking self, he would allow animals and humans to live to an old age and simply die of old age, not have children suffer and die of cancer. Sick fuck!