Ok, I hear what y'all are saying. It is just the level of cruel evil things that some people do that are hard to understand. Like what possesses an 8 year old child to torture and kill an innocent animal? Or a 17 year old boy to rape, torture and kill a little child? What would cause a mother to starve, torture, beat and kill her own child? All these evil things and worse are things that people have actually done. How does such things even come up into their mind?
I guess the demon idea always made more sense to me because I could not imagine people being so evil and vicious on their own, especially after such a short time on the earth. The demons, ostensibly, have had thousands of years of complete darkness from love and goodness with which to hone their cruelty and viciousness. This idea has always made more sense than people just being that evil on their own.
I have spent decades reading and watching about crime trying to figure out that never ending question "why?" Yet, I never can get a satisfactory answer. It is all so senseless. There is never a real answer as to why people do these things.