Dr. Laura's TV show didn't last because she didn't do well on TV. She came off as hyper and not sure of herself. She doesn't really have a face for TV anyway. Plus the gays got mad at what she said about them. Pretty much doomed the TV show. However, she has a faithful radio audience which keeps her in business. I listen to her every now and then. I even called her once about what I should do about the woman I found on the Internet who might be grandfather's daughter from an affair, and she told me "hit the delete key." Well I didn't take her advice and we did DNA testing and she turned out to INDEED be my grandfather's daughter from an affair. I enjoy listening to all the people call up and getting the business from her. It's a good laugh during the day at work.
JoinedPosts by TresHappy
Open Letter to Dr. Laura
by scootergirl ini was reading this on watchtower.observer.org and laughed so hard!
even printed it out cause i thought it was so funny!
Green Bibles
by kenpodragon ini have always wondered something, what was up with the hard cover green bibles?
i ask, as it just seemed weird to me to have a bible with this kind of cover.
they always seemed to be everywhere too ... the new studies always had one.
Remember the purple covers? I know some exes that call that the purple people eater. I called the green cover the New World Distortion.
What org rules were stupid to you?
by MARTINLEYSHON inwhen i was in the truth i thought that the most ludicrous and petty ruling they ever introduced and still practiced is that congregation book study conductors were and are responsible for collecting every group members report.
surely every member ought to be responsible for his/her own actions.
at the beginning of the following month and certainly before the 5th i would always receive the stupid telephone call from the secretary are you aware that 3 publishers havent reported?
The rules on dating. Here I was a 20 something woman and had to have a chaperone. Drove me crazy!
Why the Memorial?
by professor inwhy is it that everyone and his cousin shows up for the memorial?
what is it about this meeting that makes people come out of the woodwork?
is it like going to church on easter and christmas or something?
I personally call that event "The Night We Watch The Bread and Wine Go By." That's one of the things I gave up first when I left was this event. The thought of going into another KH gives me the hives!
Isn't this a great deal???
by TresHappy inclermont, ky. -- employees at the jim beam bourbon distillery are getting sour over restrictions on bathroom breaks.
workers on the bottling line are fuming about being limited to four breaks per 8 1/2-hour shift, only one of which can be unscheduled.
extra trips to the bathroom can result in reprimands.
CLERMONT, Ky. -- Employees at the Jim Beam bourbon distillery are getting sour over restrictions on bathroom breaks.
Workers on the bottling line are fuming about being limited to four breaks per 8 1/2-hour shift, only one of which can be unscheduled. Extra trips to the bathroom can result in reprimands. Workers with six violations can be fired.
The United Food and Commercial Workers local said some of the 100 affected employees have urinated on themselves because they were afraid to leave the line.
Some wear protective undergarments and others have feigned illnesses to go home and avoid getting violations, said Jo Anne Kelley, president of the union local.
"It's a shame when you feel you have the need to go to the bathroom, but you ask yourself, `Do I soil myself or do I protect my job?' " Kelley said.
The state has slapped the distiller with a citation.
Jim Beam appealed; a hearing officer today is expected to recommend to a review commission whether to sustain or overrule the citation. The commission's decision can be appealed in court.
Jim Beam Brands, headquartered in Deerfield, Ill., said its policy strikes a balance between employees' physical needs and the company's productivity needs.
The company, which consulted a urologist before imposing the limits, said the time between breaks will generally be about two hours and never more than three.
"Our policy is fair and reasonable and it does respect the real needs that our employees have," said Jack Allen, human resources director at the Clermont plant, nestled between lush Kentucky hills about 25 miles south of Louisville.
The policy, which took effect in October, was instituted only at the Clermont plant because some workers abused the privilege of unlimited bathroom breaks, the company said.
Workers can be exempted with a doctor's note.
So far, 29 have gotten waivers for medical necessity and can go as often as needed, Allen said.
Margaret Boone, who has worked at the distillery for 34 years, has one violation on her record.
"I've held it and it's miserable," said Boone, who has since obtained a medical waiver. "You can only concentrate on looking at the clock and wondering when break time is going to be."
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I first attended this convention 1994 and again in 1997. In 1994, I was newly out of the borg, and scared to death. However what I found was a wonderful place to find people that felt the same way I did and I could vent and cry and have a great laugh. In 1997, I returned and it was an absolute joy to be around the TRUE love of Christ and I could actually praise God without fear that I was going to be possessed by demons.
Can they really kick you out of a KH?
by writerpen ini was just wondering if the elders can really physically remove someone from a kingdom hall.
if i showed up in blue jeans with video recorder, would they, could they kick me out?
if i refused to leave, would they physically try and force me out?
I know of 2 instances recently where they kicked people out of my former KH. One was the wife of a man who goes to my parent's congregation. She raised her hand during the WT study and started lambasting the JW's. Another one involved a man that came to the Memorial. He started yelling about the Witnesses and they kicked him out also.
To spank or not to spank?
by Nowhere ini had a conversation with an active witness from the usa lately.
and when talking about child upbringing he stated that some children need a spank sometimes.
of course i was upset because of that, and i didn't thought witnesses was that stupid.
Does anyone remember the JW conventions of years past? Remember those kids being beaten in the bathroom for just being a kid who didn't want to sit for HOURS on end and take in that "spiritual food." I remember one time I was in the bathroom and the woman in the next stall was beating the you know what out of her child. I remember I heard one, then two, then three, then four, then five swats and this mother was way out of control. I yelled to her - whoever is beating their kid, if I hear one more swap I am calling CPS. Guess what...she stopped.
Since I don't have kids of my own, I cannot comment on what I would do. However, I used to swat my nieces and nephews if they were in my care and only if it were a last resort. My stepson is a good kid, although I swatted him w/my hand a few times. I regret that I didn't put the discipline over to his father, my husband. Now my stepson is 12 and getting to be a teenager and kind of sassy, I just let his father take over the discipline, if necessary. Actually he's a very compliant child, and I feel fortunate, because I could have gotten the stepchild from you know where.
When I married in 1998, I had been out of the JW's for a while. I knew that if I was going to have a wedding with my JW parents present, I would have to bend to their wishes, (no this, no that). So I did the rebellious thing and got married to my fellow on a beach in Jamaica. Wonderful and romantic. When we got back, we had a reception at home a few weeks later. My JW parents did come to that, and it was lovely!