Dana Carvey and his myriads of characters, especially the Church Lady. What a riot!
Edited by - TresHappy on 19 November 2002 20:38:47
i think the type of humor we like says alot about our personalities.soooo.....now be nice...what does it say about me....i like" weird al " yankovic.
i saw him in concert at cal poly university one year and i laughed so hard!!
Dana Carvey and his myriads of characters, especially the Church Lady. What a riot!
Edited by - TresHappy on 19 November 2002 20:38:47
a happy thanksgiving to all!
queenie & family
Yes, I second that motion.
Happy Thanksgiving to all on this board!
was it natural for you to speak in public, either from door to door, or making talks at the hall.
for some, it was a real scarry thing to speak in front of a group.
was that a big load off your back when you quit going to the meetings?
Speaking at the KH was never a favorite of mine. But being a woman, we didn't have to worry much about speaking, since we couldn't lead in anything. If I did have to speak, it really didn't bother me as I "thought" I was better than everyone at the time. Thank God I don't have that superiority complex anymore!
i remember hearing over and over about how wonderful it was to be gathered together at the assemblies, and how the brotherly love flowed, and everyone got along.. they would comment that where else could you get 10,000 and more people together where there was so much peace and unity.. we were flat out told there was no where that this occured.
that wordly people could never have that many people together, then riots would happen, fights, drunken idiots etc.. well, i have been to many busines seminars, where there are thousands of people, and they never get out of hand.
i have been to many concerts with thousands of people there, and they don't get out of hand.. how egotistical these power witnesses are to think they are the only ones that can get along peacefully.. i know there are cases of fights, or something at large events, but there has been things like that at assemblies too.. has anyone here seen fights, or disturbances at assemblies, or large witness gatherings?
I don't recall any disturbances happening at any assemblies in Texas. We must be boring here in the Lone Star State. I do recall getting disturbed from a nod off nap during the program. I used to fall asleep when a GB member was speaking. To tell you the truth, I nodded pretty much all the time.
did anyone else see last night's airing of the practice?
the firm defended a guy accused of repeated molesting a teen-age boy.
the guy even admitted to his lawyers that he did it.
I saw that and was floored the way they wrote the script. I am getting fed up with the writing of "The Practice", this season has just about done it for me. That other story going on about the goat sacrifice, I mean this show is getting too much...David E. Kelley can you hear me?
.... be manager for ?.
also have beer with ??.
there is reason i ask .
Which person would you like to portray yourself in a movie? Me: Melanie Griffith
remember how embarrassing it was to show up at someone's door on a holiday?when i was a teenager i went out with a very zealous pioneer sister on christmas day.we worked an upscale neighborhood of town and of course all the servants were off so they would answer the door themselves.i rang one doorbell and a lady came to the door and i could see her family inside sitting in chairs in a circle opening gifts.they all looked at me to see who in the world was calling on christmas,i suppose.i gave my presentation with a red face and she just looked at me and said"don't you know today is christmas?
"how embarrassing is that?so glad i don't have to do that anymore.
When I was active, we were encouraged to go out all the time, didn't matter if it was holiday or not. I used to balk at that, and this mean pioneer sister would chastise me or anyone else who didn't line up with her pioneer thinking. I couldn't imagine bothering people on Thanksgiving or Christmas.
what do you look forward to?.
tom and jerries?.
egg nog.
Does anyone remember eating that candy called divinity? I remember eating that as a kid and loving it. I haven't had that stuff in years. Maybe I will find a recipe and make some while I am off for 3 weeks during Christmas!
i just read luckylucy's thread and wanted to tell my story.
i also want to ask a question: why are women who have children viewed more favorably than women who don't?
especially if the choice is to not have children.
Well at first I was absolutely devastated. All of my siblings have children, I have been an aunt since I was in elementary school, so I thought I would eventually have children. What got me crazy was going back and forth to that clinic and sitting in the waiting room to have another sort of blood test or scan or something else to take my money. Then getting the phone call, sorry you're not pregnant. I mean the rejection I felt was monumental. I am only speaking of MY experience. I am sure there are thousands of women through the years that have been helped by that fertility clinic, and feel it was a bargain. I am just telling the other side, and 30 percent success means 70 percent non-success. The psychological part was worse. It was like driving into a brick wall and told to put your car in reverse and try again. I told the nurse if I had to come back to this clinic I was going to jump off a bridge.
My friend said it's not fair that I don't have kids. I said, whoever said in this life things were always fair. It wasn't fair that 3000 people were slaughtered on September 11 either, however it happened. How about those people who were pumping gas and then getting a bullet through them in the Washington DC area?
I am grateful for the things I do have.
i just read luckylucy's thread and wanted to tell my story.
i also want to ask a question: why are women who have children viewed more favorably than women who don't?
especially if the choice is to not have children.
I don't have children, but it's not that I didn't want children. It would be very difficult for me to have children because of medical problems. I am now nearly 40 and it crosses my mind all the time. Last year I underwent minor fertility treatments to help me along and all that fertility clinic was take my money. Some people benefit from fertility treatments, however I did not. For one thing, you have to have a pretty good income to even afford this kind of stuff. Many people don't know that one round of IVF costs 8,000 to 10,000 (which most insurance won't cover) dollars EACH time. Two rounds of IVF and you can adopt a child. Plus they only gave me a 30 percent chance of pregnancy. Take my 10,000 dollars and only offer a 30 percent chance. My GOD! I saw people at that fertility clinic whipping out the old credit cards to pay for these treatments. I saw many desperate women wanting a baby so bad that they were willing to go in massive debt. One woman I met there had spent 30,000 dollars and still had not gotten pregnant. Have you ever tried so hard to do something and it never came to pass? I think some things are meant to be. My childhood friend who never wanted kids is now getting ready to have her first child. She wouldn't even tell me about her pregnancy for fear I would "hate" her. I have made peace with this. If I have kids, great, if I don't, I will live the life God wants me to live.