What's this about the elders coming to see inactive ones? I read this on an earlier thread. Please inform!
JoinedPosts by TresHappy
The Elders are Coming!
by TresHappy inwhat's this about the elders coming to see inactive ones?
i read this on an earlier thread.
please inform!
What song sums up your JW experience?
by sleepy inits got to be rage against the machine, "killing in the name of" .
just had the bassline to this song rumbling through my head, havent heard it for ages though .
you need to know the chorus.
I take lyric liberties with a song from my Saturday morning childhood:
Dysfunction Junction, What's your function?
Screwing up lives and protecting pedophiles...
Like cruzanheart, I certainly did learn the JW version of the Bible. I could thump better than most back in those days.
Simple math question for dum dums
by JH inif you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
Let me remember my equivalents - a kilometer is 6/10 of a mile
Jesus died on a stake?
by SwedishChef inyou've got to love the watchtower.
they must think that the general population has no bible available to it.
while scrolling through a list of their beliefs on the official site, there was one that really caught my eye because of its sheer ludicrousness.
The WT just doesn't get it. Jesus died on the cross, nuff said.
The Watchtower Superstore,Paradise For Sale
by Voyager ingood morning everybody:.
i have been doing some more investigating, and found that the reason that k-mart is closing down, is because the watchtower has opened it's doors.
for those that haven't seen this web, it is truely a mind blower.
The Stoops catalog was passed amongst the pioneers as if it were gold in my congregation. I hadn't thought about that company in a long time. Although I have to say, I got my book bag at Kmart!
by Gizmo in.
teeth definately out tonight girl.... thinking of you .
How cute is that!
Who here is shunned by family?
by Brummie inremember the watchtower that asked "are jws a cult?
" and then listed things that cleared it of the accusations of being such?
cant remember the date.. anyway one of the things it said was that "cults" usually have a lot of ex members testifying against it and the damage it has caused to their family lives.
Not shunned here, although we just simply don't talk about it. I have made my opinion WELL known in my family circle, so there is no doubt.
WTS Cheapshot .....Jan 1st 2003 WT
by ISP inmost christians have to face grave problems during these last days.
still, they try not to be distracted.
in spite of well-publicized economic problems, argentina reported a new peak of 126,709 witnesses last year.
Why is it the same old thing. I remember the assembly programs of years past. Do this, don't do that, put Kingdom interests first, pioneer, auxiliary pioneer, remain regular in the ministry, conduct Bible studies, go on return visits, study for meetings, attend meetings, don't fornicate, don't date outside the faith, don't get distracted, don't go to rated R movies. I look back, is there anything I COULD actually do???
Which country has the best comedy shows?
by sleepy in.
we have had some pretty amasing classic comedy in britian over the years.. faulty towers, the office, alan partridge,ali g etc.mind you weve had some very crap sit-com 2.4 kids etc.. who does it better the brits or the yanks?.
sorry ozzies cant think of any from down under.
The British - definitely - especially Keeping Up Appearances - what a riot!