You must realize that trying to get honest answers from a Jehovah's Witness is like asking a politician to explain their broken election promises. It is all smoke and mirrors.
Real emotion is too valuable to waste on androids!
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
You must realize that trying to get honest answers from a Jehovah's Witness is like asking a politician to explain their broken election promises. It is all smoke and mirrors.
Real emotion is too valuable to waste on androids!
"jehovah's witness, such a presentable vegetable".
"jehovah's witness protection program: electrify your front door".
"freedom is the distance between jws and me".
Brilliant idea. I would love to make JWs into bumper stickers.
Do we melt them down or shred them?
you kind of get to a point where you know all the answers when you are a jw.
you don't really have to research much more because its the same stuff they present over and over again.
"jehovah's reminders" but i kind of looked forward to new light.
If Jehovah's Witnesses didn't live in darkness there would be no need for them to search for light.
Ooh! So caustic!
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
Rosalee, you say:
This is the first I've seen any group get so uptight about their former friends. Does there actually come a time when you put a period on the past and move on?
As you are aware of the automatic policy that Jehovah's Witnesses as a group have, of shunning all former friends who are now ex-members, you will realize that those on this site are not alone in being an uptight group. People here were trained in their skills by the Watchtower Society.
As for moving on - shunning is for life. At what point do you suggest the pain ends?
Perhaps it is when we ourselves realize that the friendship Jehovah's Witnesses is neither desirable or healthy and we are pleased that the member of this discredited cult keep away from us.
I am presently shunned by 43 JW relatives and it is my dearest wish that they continue to keep away from me.
Uptight enough?
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
JWS claim to better because they are only people who serve God in spirit and truth. Have they lived up to this claim?
They Claim not to steal or commit adultery but many of their member are disfellowshipped for these things. In normal society theft is a crime and adultery is seen as betrayal which often ends a marriage. So what actually makes them think they are better than the average person?
First we have to ask what we mean by 'better. What is the benchmark?
Does not pursuing higher education make someone better?
Does remaining celibate until marriage or not being gay make someone better?
Does dishonestly closing their mind to reason in an attempt to make the pieces of a religion make sense make someone better?
Does allowing children to die by refusing them blood transfusion make someone better?
Does turning their backs on their familys make them better?
Or perhaps viewing the mass destruction of most of humanity as an act of perfect love makes someone better?
when they reach a certain age they are expected to "sign up" (get baptized).
in many cases if they choose not to their parents essentially "disfellowship" them.
so a lot of children get baptized under pressure from the parents and when they fail to live the jw life and get df'd the folks are the harshest shunners.
Terry said:
I don't think JW "love" is love at all. I think it is performance-oriented probationary approval. The standard of this approval isn't the character of the person, but rather; their behavior in relation to the policies of a society which demands mental subjugation.
Consequently, a moral person who is intelligent and loyal to their flesh and blood family isn't acceptable IF they demonstrate skepticism or a mind of their own.
I don't think common everyday feelings are allowed to play any part in the life of a Jehovah's Witness for a good reason. Love is a personal evaluation based on one's identity. Religious slaves have no identity other than the Group itself. Consequently, no personal love is possible.
I saw this yesterday, printed it off and gave it to my wife.
She is struggling to understand how her parents can be so cold and unloving towards her. I am shunned by them but they are prepared to see her on their terms. That is without me and not too often. They will not visit her. I have told her that this is an abusive relationship and that accepting the terms is damaging to her. I have tried to explain that their version of love is based on the example their god shows. Obey me or die. Seeing someone else put this into words so eloquently may help her? trevthis is not one of those 'farewell' threads, 'gotta' go' threads, or 'bye' threads.
because i know myself well enough to say that i would not honor my own exit - i would soon be back, .
but in all honesty, i am finding my desire to be on this forum less and less compelling.
AK- Jeff
You are suffering from 'empty fridge syndrome.'
Stack the fridge with beer and this site will appear much more interesting to you...
ok, here's the original:.
and here's a blank canvas for you: .
what do you think?
it is kind of like the question: if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise as it crashes to the ground?
The universe observes itself as it manifests.
We on this small planet observe a tiny corner of the universe equivalent to a speck of dust.
Our observation alters the quality of the universe because our existence and our thoughts are a part of the universe but our energy has always existed in some form.
We are therefore observing our self manifestation.
i wholeheartedly agree with this statement made in another web site:.
"by far the majority of jehovah's witnesses are good and honest people and, from the outside, it would be easy to understand the appeal of their way of life.
they support each other and share common goals and values.
inquiry man
You have had no replies to your thread yet. To avoid you concluding that you are being shunned I have added a comment taken from notes I have written (English spelling):
Elders can never be sure that someone guilty of their idea of apostasy has really had a change of heart. More than this, there is the risk of doubt spreading through the congregation and for this reason offenders are kept on ice for as long as possible.
The Society claims that the purpose of disfellowshipping is to bring the erring one to their senses but there is another motive. As the offenders are often guilty of apostasy, there is a need to keep others from speaking to them and actually finding that they may be speaking the truth. For this reason anyone who leaves by choice because they disagree with the Society, or has resigned out of principle, is labelled as an “evil one” and given the same treatment.
There is little chance of such a person wanting to return. The sole reason for refusing to see or speak to such a rebel is to stop the members hearing his or her viewpoint. The members left behind have to rely on a single statement announced by the elders to ascertain what has happened. Whether a member loses his or her friends as a result of resignation or disfellowshipping, the emotional cost can be high.