Dear ``Troubled''
You said:
Then why are you ``troubled?'' Apparently in your view the WTS remains above reproach in all these matters.
No, I didn't say they were above reproach. Just that I think their involvement might be exaggerated. As I said before, I'm gathering info and trying to weigh both sides. If I were 100% absolutely certain, I would not have asked the question: "Am I missing something?"
You said:
Just how keen do you think they are to have these matters brought out into the open, especially since they attributed the decision to change to a voluntary donation basis to ``our desire to separate oursleves from those who would commercialize religion?''
Their withholding of info is a valid point. However, what I was specifically trying to nail down in my thread and in my research is whether or not the extent of their involvement is being overexaggerated.
You said:
"Remember, these are the same people who df memebers who swim in a YMCA pool or who cut the grass at a local church as a salaried employee of a landscaper with a contract. They won't even allow the brothers to list the times and places of meetings in local yellow pages or in the newspapers under ``religious services.'' (I remember how annoying this was when I was a frequent business traveler and sought to attend a meeting). "
Yes, the WTS has been quite strict in the application of separateness from the world to the publishers. And "what is good for the goose is good for the gander." So if a double standard is truly in place, it should be brought to light and admissions of error made. Point taken.
You said:
"An an affiliation, no matter how oblique, with ``the Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast'' that stand in a ``Holy Place?"
No big deal, right? How naive are you?" It seems nothing they do can shake the uncritical veneration of the masses.
I think a closer look at my post would reveal that, in fact, I do not have "uncritical veneration." If I did, I wouldn't be reading and researching this issue. I think of it more as "critical investigation." Making sure of things, as the Boreans did.
Room 215,
I found your posts thought-provoking, although the light "slam" in your last paragraph was disappointing.