Did you know that the ship carrying the first consignment of Viagra to the states sank in mid Atlantic.
After 3 weeks of searching nothing was found,but for some reason the Titanic was raised.
pfizer corp is making the announcement today that viagra will soon be available in liquid form and will be marketed by pepsi cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer.
pepsi's proposed ad campaign claims: it will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one.
obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink.. this additive gives new meaning to the names of cocktails, highballs and just a good old fashioned stiff drink.
Did you know that the ship carrying the first consignment of Viagra to the states sank in mid Atlantic.
After 3 weeks of searching nothing was found,but for some reason the Titanic was raised.
the guestmap is a feature at the dnc site but i thought it might be cool to for us to get a visual image of where we all are.
just 'click & hold' the map to drag it around.
you can then zoom in on your local area.
Hey Ballistic,You look as though You'r in the English Channel,I look as though i'm in the Bristol Channel.He he.
if any of these describe you, you're a redneck!
you think that potted meat on a saltine is an hors d'ouerve.
there is a stuffed possum anywhere in your house.
Well,after taking 5 minutes to read that lot,I am pleased that say that Weston-Super -Mare,England,dosnt have a redneck,
Not too sure about all the mentions of trucks though.
i am cassilines husband.
i know cassiline has alot of friends that monitor this board so i thought i would post a surgery status on cassiline to let everyone who cares about her know how everything is going.
first of all, i would like to say thank you to the owner of this board, friends and aquintances of cassinline, for all the help you have provided not olny for her but for others that are out there with problems who seek the assistance from people that have a similar state of understanding about the jw religion.
Hope shes on the mend and better soon.
take the first annual, choose-a-urinal challenge!
men should ace this test (or suffer the wrath of men everywhere)... women are on their own.
but, there is a code of the rest room that must be followed.
This is a good wind up,you will only do it once,trust me.
A length of hospipe held to your leg with rubber bands.
Shake your leg as you walk out.
I will leave the details for the individual.
take the first annual, choose-a-urinal challenge!
men should ace this test (or suffer the wrath of men everywhere)... women are on their own.
but, there is a code of the rest room that must be followed.
Another favorite is,
'in six months time you will be drinking this again',
then go into a lengthy conversation about sewerage plants,sea,clouds,rainfall,water,brewing and so on.
Breaks the ice at partys.
take the first annual, choose-a-urinal challenge!
men should ace this test (or suffer the wrath of men everywhere)... women are on their own.
but, there is a code of the rest room that must be followed.
Brilliant,Im in hysterics here,its so true as well.
Dont forget that those stainless steel mushroom things that are supposed to stop cigarette ends blocking the drain holes up,you can actually get a tune out of them depending on the angle they are hit!.
Why does this one smell of kippers.
when i meet somebody for the first time i always have a few standard questions i ask them...so how about it.
i would like to know about all you wonderful people that i chat and post with on a daily basis.
this is me (i edited to put the link in by stephanus...thanks a bunch) .
1.Favorite colour Green
2.Sun sign Aries
3Poison of choice Real ale(Old Thumper comes top of the list)
4.Sleep with celebrity Sandra Bullock
5.Musical ispiration Lois Armstrong,Wonderful World
6.Favorite movie 2001 A space odyssy
7.Hot or Cold cold
8.Greatest fear Drowning
9.Pesonality asset Loyalty
10.Personality flaw impatiance
I would put my picture on here but I cant work out how!.
it seems like unless you're incredibly wealthy or lucky that its impossible to have both at the same time, especially if you're a working stiff.
right now between my wife and i we make a fairly decent living, however we don't have a lot of time to do things together (or alone) until the weekend comes around.
and we all know how short weekends can be, not to mention if a lot of errands need to be done that can eat up your time fairly quick.
Hi Celtic.
House prices in the south west are going stupid,I couldnt agree more with what you say there.
I have earnt high wages in the past,by being away from home and doing silly hours,I learnt from that as I came close to burning myself out.I now earn less,have more time,and am a lot happier.