Topics Started by 88JM
The End of Circuit Overseers
by scotsman inis indeed apparently nigh as another poster predicted along with the end of the weekly bs.
not sure when this should take place but i'm reliably informed by a family member that one of the uk's overseers was talking about it fairly recently.
reduced to weekend visits by an outside but local elder instead.. i have no further info..
Spoof Watchtower Covers
by jookbeard inforgot who started to post these , but does anyone remember them?
they were very funny, anyone got any links to show them again?.
Jeptha's Daughter- what actuallyt happened??
by Kudra inhi all, especially the scholars amongst you ;)a .
i was listening to richard dawkin's talk at lynchburg va and he was tlaking about how horrible the god of the old testament was- and he mentioned this: .
that when jeptha's daughter came out (and jeptha had promised god he'd sacrifice the first thing out of his house) that he had to sacrifice her as a burnt offering.
The 1954 Douglas Walsh Transcript--PDF!
by Atlantis inthe douglas walsh trial 1954. the watchtower under oath.
exposing the watchtower dictatorship over jehovah's witnesses.
most of the researchers here need no introduction as to the "exposing" testimony recorded within this 762 page court transcript.
CO/DO's in the UK?
by pobthespazz incan anyone compile a list of as many as possible past and present co/do's from the uk?
A little gem from the latest WT
by dmouse in.
it never ceases to amaze me the propensity that the wbts has of seeing the straw in someone else's eye but not the rafter in their own.
this little gem is from the latest july 15th watchtower, page 22. .
607 chronology debunked
by JanH inthere is no evidence that our time has any specific biblical prophetic importance if the 1914 claims are wrong.even doctrines like the "two-class" system, which is a unique interpretation by the jehovah's witnesses, is actually dependent on the 1914 date.
the bible states that the final fall and destruction of jerusalem was in the 19th regnal year of nebuchadnezzar (jeremiah 52:12; 2 kings 25:1-4; 2. chron 26:11,19).
the most secure source of absolute dates comes from contemporary inscription with astronomical observations.
by ballistic ini had an idea that i could build a uk map of everyones location which would show you instantly who is in your area from jwd.. (it might be an idea to do a seperate us one aswell but i'll wait and see if this one takes off first, or if anyone from the us wants to volunteer to do that one).
(and australia but you are all in the same backyard anyway - literally!!!).
anyway, all you have to do is post or email me your username and town and i will draw you on the map above which will change gradually to include everyone!.
Age of "governing body" members
by MacHislopp incarey barber ..................b 1905. lyman swingle.................b 1910. albert schroeder.............. b 1911. john barr ..................... b 1913. daniel sydlik...................b 1919. milton henschel ...............b 1920. theodore jaracz...............b 1924. and.
guy pierce .....................b 1934 (b.
1 year before end of h.c.)*.