While we're on the subject of JW rules and sleeping arrangements, this reminds me of a recent event in the congregation here...
There is sister who has a few older children - some of who aren't JW's (I guess they were smart). Well, one of her sons who isn't a JW apparently has been "sowing his wild oats" and his girlfriend (not wife) had a baby. They live in another country, but made the trip over with their new baby to visit the JW mum and stay with her. So, of course her son and his GF with the baby have to sleep in separate rooms, despite having a child together. In a way I find it sort of funny and sad at the same time applying rules in that way. I mean, does it really matter how many times they break the rules once they're broken? (Actually with having a baby, that's probably put a stop to the rule breaking for now I guess!)
Also thinking about it, are the BF and GF not even allowed to be left alone together, even though they have a baby together? (Does the baby being there count as not being "alone" together?) What about the dad's responsibilty to care for the child - does that override the rule about being alone with the GF? What a crazy situation the JW rules must create with things like this!
Has anyone else come across this sort of story?