Will this apply to home schooling as well?
I know the school inspectors were not pleased that they found some schools using the "A.C.E. textbooks" - many home schoolers will still use them though.
great news.
Will this apply to home schooling as well?
I know the school inspectors were not pleased that they found some schools using the "A.C.E. textbooks" - many home schoolers will still use them though.
i just compared the latest data provided by the german wt and data i found searching for the same page in archive.org.
congregations 2011: 2232. congregations 2014: 2210. kh 2011: 1075. kh 2014: 1034. source: http://www.jehovaszeugen.de/statistik.18.0.html - this is a oficial site for germany.
See the wonderous exp... oh never mind.
half a million refugees are on the move ahead of sunni jihadists in northern iraq.. the speed of the advance is startling.
the iraqi army seems to be impotent.
the government's attempt to declare a state of emergency had to be abandoned when insufficient mps turned up to vote.. the insurgents are just 60 miles from baghdad this evening.
Who is funding and arming ISIS ?
Saudi Arabia yes, but it seems they are capturing newly-delivered arms from the USA to the Iraqi's too:
So the answer to who is arming Isis is that it's also partly the US, indirectly.
It's also worth mentioning that Isis are a particularly nasty bunch - even Al Qaeda denounced them:
you maintained a level of personal decency and integrity that you almost certainly would not have had if you had chosen another direction.. sure, you would have had some very "colorful" friends and experiences if you had gone another way, but you still chose the more "edgy" people in the congregation as your friends and you still enjoyed yourself, even if there were a lot of phony constraints.. you looked for ways to be of value to others.
don't stop doing that!.
you kept the darker side of your personality in check.
I do regret not starting my fade sooner and not investigating my doubts.
I must say I really admire these 14/15 year olds who are waking up sooner than ever - I wish I had their courage.
a loud get well grace from all of us to you.
everyone, grace has been in and out of the hospital and i'm sure she would love to read your get wells.
we miss you grace:) wish i could post pictures.
Take care Grace. x
so far i've had the pleasure of trying chips in victoria park village, falkners on kingsland rd, olley's in herne hill and that place in richmond which is full of oap (good sign?).
any other recommendations?
Amen Slidin Fast - was going to mention Whitby myself - I'm glad you did. They really are good.
anyone else finding it troubling?
anyone feel it represents their views?.
is it being reported in usa/australia etc?.
I did want to start a post on here about politics in the UK, but I thought it might get a bit heated. As a young exJW, I've never voted yet, so the whole process is a bit daunting, but I think I've become much more interested in politics since being out.
I don't know if anyone in the UK last week caught the latest episode of a radio programme on BBC Radio 4 by Michael Sandel about people's attitudes towards voting - was very interesting to me:
oh my goodness, i'm so angry i can't even speak!
"women who complained that former jehovahs witness elder jonathan rose, 40, had molested them as children relived their nightmares in front of him after he was released from jail".
It’s understood Rose was finally ‘disfellowshipped’ after complaints to the police and Charity Commision.
That really says a lot about JWs.
just heard from an elder.
he told me that there is another change to be announced in august.
he didn't know more about it.. any other info?.
I seem to remember a thread on here about a month ago with someone who had a "friend in high places" who also said there were even bigger changes coming, but not until after the annual meeting?
EDIT - and here it is: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/277270/1/Will-firing-the-DOs-be-the-first-step-to-a-new-Watchtower#.U3pZe_ldVp0
Choice quotes and speculation:
"There is general consensus that the Writing Department has "dumbed down" the public WT far too much. Awake! magazines have become even "dummer" - to the point that they are a joke and have no credibility at all with the public. It is likely that the two will be merged into one new 32 page monthly mini-magaziine designed specifically for the public. The name of the magazine may even be different so that it is not so quickly identified as being "JW literature.""
Rumors are that the Governing Body will be expanded to 12 to better match the biblical magic number of apostles, tribes of Israel, etc. That will also reset the 'magic number' to 8 needed to get a majority vote to make a doctrinal change.
My contacts have implied that the real changes will start taking place after the next annual meeting.
a world without satan (revelation 20:2,3,7,10).
romans 12- joy in the kingdom hope.
the spirit.. demonstration: family worship.
Wow a diagram on the overlapping generations crap. People just aren't buying it are they? They really are trying to shove it down their throats.