JoinedTopics Started by TeenageInsider
Campaign during Convention JW'S
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara infound this on facebook.
actvism campaign during convention dates in london.
huge turnout last year.. zing.
Do You See JWs Going From House to House Anymore?
by minimus ini used to see them in my neighborhood or while driving.
there is a hispanic congregation nearby.
i used to see witnesses out all the time, some even doing the slow pioneer shuffle.
Just a thought
by moley injust a hypothetical question.
if the society was right and armageddon came a knocking would you want to live in a society run by the org and bully elders.. would rather die at armageddon.
i would.
"The Guardian" is requesting your stories of JW abuse and problems
by Bad_Wolf inyou are able to anonymously give this by putting in a fake name, as they indicated.
this is not limited to sex abuse, but anything.
shunning, lies, etc.
Urgent Matter PLEASE HELP
by TeenageInsider inplease private message me if you have been on this website from the beginning.. im talking blondie, data dog, outlaw, people like that.. need urgent help.
thank you.
QUICK! Questions to ask MARK SANDERSON!!!!!!!
by TeenageInsider inquickly!!.
mark sanderson at a regional assembly.. i will find him and ask him questings.. please quickly leave questions you want me to ask.. i will record and post updates!!!!.