You got that right.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i have been able to keep my feelings about the jw organization on the back burner for several years now after going thru therapy and several sleepless years but now its time to speak my peace.
this is my third time on this board and the sneaking and cover-ups of the organization disgusts me.
you would think that if they had god behind them that much no matter what happened within the organization they would deal with it the proper way including contacting the authortities when required they might get more respect from the outside.. i was always taught it was wrong to judge other people but it was the elders passing judgement and not god that ran me away.. to sum it up they are worried about the outside world judging the organization but they better pray that jehovah isn't half as judgemental as they are.
You got that right.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
so after my once a year visit with my parents it dawns on me that my dad, after 30 years in the "truth" has never been an elder.
but yet my brother has.
so i'm thinking to myself i wonder if he was never an elder because one or more of his children has been disfellowshipped for all or part of the last 22 years.
Your dad obviously doesn't like to kiss ass, because IMHO, that is what is takes to be appointed as an elder. Read Amazing's post a while back about whether or not elders are appointed by holy spirit. Maybe he will repost it or bring it back up to the top. Very interesting.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
thought sparked by another thread where i said i'd move to the us if i won the lottery: if you could move wherever you liked in the world (in this fantasy, all your material, intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs are taken care of so that you can make this move), where would it be, and what would be the basis for your decision?.
q: how do you know a dub loyal to "jehovah's organisation" is lying?.
a: their lips are moving.
New Zealand...I heard it is beautiful and laid back there.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
to carry the island thing further, if you were stuck on an island what 10 movies would you have?.
1. superman.
2. airplane!.
Some of mine were covered, but here goes:
1) Dumb and Dumber
2) The Bodyguard
3) Liar, Liar
4) The Green Mile
5) The Jerk
6) Fast Time at Ridgemont High
7) The Matrix
8) Any and all 007 movies
9) Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2 (when released-hilarious)
10) 9 1/2 weeks
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
just for fun!!!.
excluding your spouse/significant other and children (they would be with you) who would you like to be stranded on a deserted island with?.
i think billy crystal and robin williams would have to top my list, i think they are 2 of the funniest men out there and i would definitely want to laugh.
I'm coveting that body, is that wrong?
Joelbear, you can take as many as you want, it's your fantasy!
P.S. I have to go to work now, but look for an e-mail from me soon.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
just for fun!!!.
excluding your spouse/significant other and children (they would be with you) who would you like to be stranded on a deserted island with?.
i think billy crystal and robin williams would have to top my list, i think they are 2 of the funniest men out there and i would definitely want to laugh.
Just for fun!!!
Excluding your spouse/significant other and children (they would be with you) who would you like to be stranded on a deserted island with?
I think Billy Crystal and Robin Williams would have to top my list, I think they are 2 of the funniest men out there and I would definitely want to laugh. I would also like Martha Stewart since she could probably whip up a gourmet meal out of coconut shells. Ben stein to keep my mind in tact. And Kenny Loggins to serenade me at night.
How about you fine people?
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
last night i went to my first meditation class, conducted by a nice young man, teaching a yoga-type meditation.
it is my first venture into meditating, and i thought i would share a couple of interesting points.
i was with an old friend, who also happens to be an ex dub, but only out about a year.
I've always wanted to try yoga. We've been thinking about joining the YMCA and they offer yoga classes. Keep us posted, I'm curious to see how it goes.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
joel, i want you to know i can think of no other poster who shows as much humanity, as much compassion and insight as you, particularly when it comes to the human condition.. thank you for sharing yourself and your journey so openly; i'm grateful for that.
you obviously have picked up many helpful tools in your recovery toolkit, and when you not only share them with us but show how to use them, how they can benefit us, we are the richer.. i need not say more, than that you are loved very much.. maximus.
who once in a while learns from joel a leeeetle more than he needed to, but what else is new?
I can't let this post go by without putting my 2 cents worth in.
I can agree with every warm, loving comment sent your way. As for Yadrif (or whatever the hell his name is) well, he's just an idiot.
You were one of the first ones to respond to my post when I finally got up the nerve and I have always appreciated your comments.
In fact, I am going to Key West for my anniversary in October and I will think warm thoughts of you when I am there, lying in the sun. Are there any nude beaches there?...Just kidding!...Not really!
Anyway, I'm glad Maximus started this post. Of course, I have a warm spot in my heart for Max as well, for personal reasons (he knows what they are).
Love you guys!
TweetieBird, a.k.a. OrangeBlossom
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i thought you might like to see a fax i just sent to j. r. brown.
you can also pick it up on the front page of the website, you may also read and download the complaint that states the basis of this lawsuit.
run wt run...... silentlambs.
Larc stated, "When I read those three questions the elders are to ask, I involuntarily said out loud, "Oh my God", as in how ignorant. I assume these same three questions would offer the theraputic cure for mental illness. Truely, they are living a hundred years behind the times, if not more."
That is exactly what my niece's husband was asked when he was brought before them on charges of spousal abuse. He was told to pray more, attend every meeting and go in field service more.
A year passed and he was still abusing her so she separated from him.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
i thought you might like to see a fax i just sent to j. r. brown.
you can also pick it up on the front page of the website, you may also read and download the complaint that states the basis of this lawsuit.
run wt run...... silentlambs.
Bravo! Silentlambs, BRAVO!
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero