I agree completely with your thoughts about the public's perception of JW's after Dateline airs. Those who already have a strong dislike toward the witnesses coming to their doors will be even more hostile. Makes me glad that I do not engage in the field ministry any longer.
There is a registered sex offender in our local database who is a JW in a neighboring congregation. He has been accused on several occasions by his daughters and niece, as well as non-witnesses. He was on house arrest all the while handling the microphones at the meetings. As far as I know, he is still considered in good standing. It will be interesting to see if the society ever changes their policy about sex-offenders going door-to-door.
BTW, years ago, my father-in-law served on a judicial committee when this guy was accused by his daughters of molesting them. My father-in-law felt he should have been disfellowshipped but was outnumbered by the other two on the jc, basically because they did not care for this guys wife. Fast forward twenty years, he is still up to his old tricks, and still in good standing. His most recent picture was posted on the database April 2000.
My initial comments, however, were about how the majority of JW's will react to the segment on Dateline being aired. I do not expect too many to be affected by what is shown. They have been conditioned to view anything negative as coming from Satan.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero