1. Stop calling them after 7:00 PM!
2. No phone calls during work hours or before 9:00 AM.
3. Offer to pay for gasoline once a year, at the least pleazzzz.
4. Gift cards to Oliver Garden or Red Lobster get old, try a nice steak house.
5. Pay for the dry cleaning bill, we loan them out to Kingdom Halls on Sundays, give them the money to get their suits dry cleaned.
6. Don't make the elders be forced to take the Circuit Overseers out to dinner, this get's old at the Circuit and District Conventions. Why are elders stuck picking the the tab of men who are not afraid to order big! $460.00 was the dinner bill for seven people! They ordered like it was the end of the world, and we got stuck using our credit card. $460.00 for six people eating dinner, no wonder the rank and file avoid offering these endless money pits anything. What part of $15-$25 a drink might cause you to think "Why should Aunt Connie and her Husband sell their souls into financial bondage to pay for our drinks, and meals? We have the appetizers of "Oyster Shooters, Butter flied shrimp and stuffed French Truffles!" I am starting to go Postal thinking of the way we were raided and pillage like the German Vandals left Rome!