Our life is the time we spend doing something.
The quality of our life is determined by how actively we improve things.
A good life, well-lived is the goal--in the long run.
It stands to reason, wasting our time amounts to wasting opportunities to make our actions count.
Religions, especially cults, remove your autonomy and replace it with what appears to be a bargain. What is the bargain? You are offered transcendence; which is to say: more than you could possibly achieve 'on your own.' Everlasting life is one such phony bargain.
You waste your time going through the rituals of a religion chasing illusory transcendence with superficial 'friends' and you'll find yourself an old man one day, out of time, who really accomplished NOTHING. Why?
Because you've traded all the genuinely good things for the phony castles-in-the-air.
The 'brotherhood' is an empty thing, indeed. Your brothers and your sisters will ONLY love you as long as you do exactly what they tell you to do. If you have any ideas of your own--what happens to you?
So, it all comes down to this:
Live a real life doing good by serving your fellow man in a practical and pragmatic way. . .
Live a fantasy life which looks lovely and is, in fact meaningless.
Mormons are highly indoctrinated paper dolls.
If you thought believing the Bible was difficult, just wait until you get into the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price!