1. I joined the military. (I was told this to my face). I have a full beard and long hair.
2. I was homeless and on drugs. I can look the part for that, but the funny thing is I'm moderately successful. It goes to show the JW mind set of how an individual dresses and the correlation to life success. It makes me laugh at the business dress rule. I own a medium sized small business and I wear a suit about 1 percent of the time. The elders are on disability or wash windows and they wear suits 50 percent of the time.
3. I had fathered many children I do not care for. I don't know where that came from.
4. I am cruel to my family jw or not. That's kinda half true. I just don't like them. I get along with my wife's family better, but the list of people I've been cruel to is short. It goes against my personality.
5. I cheat on my wife and past girlfriends. I've never cheated on my wife. It never took me long to get over an ex though. I guess that's where that rumor started.
6. I'm involved in organized crime. I gave the teller of that rumor an ominous frown and said I couldn't talk about any of that. I laughed pretty hard after he left.
7. I am abusive to my wife and children. That one is really funny. I'm the biggest softy the world has ever seen.
8. I have a drinking problem. I drink about a beer a week on average.
9. I am a baptist preacher. Really? That's the best they can come up with.
10. I owned a strip club in New Orleans. Even though I've only been there a hand full of times and never to a strip club.
What worries me is these are the ones I've heard. I wonder how many more there are. It seems I am far more interesting in Jw gossip than in real life.