I work 4 out of 5 Sundays, not yesterday. I went with my wife. The meeting was hard to stomach. The speaker talked about disfellowshipped family members and not associating with them. Making a good name with God because someone who lived over 4000 years ago, Nimrod, and is perceived as bad, said they were going to make a name for themselves.
Then the Watchtower was the same propaganda as always. That is all that it is propaganda.
The New World (coincidentally) Encyclopedia defines propaganda as:
Appeal to authority
Argumentum ad nauseam: Uses tireless repetition. An idea once repeated enough times, is taken as the truth. Works best when media sources are limited and controlled by the propagator.
Appeal to fear: Appeals to fear seek to build support by instilling fear in the general population
Demonizing the “enemy”: Projecting a person or idea as the "enemy" through suggestion or false accusations.
And many others. That could a whole thread on this subject.
My wife has the movie Swing Kids and has seen it many times. I try to use that as reasoning.
When Christian Bale's character is lured by the Nazi's giving him a motorcycle, and his accepting their propaganda, shows how JWs like to think that
their getting stuff and going to assemblies is the same way.