If the dead are not conscious, what difference does it make if one dies at A. or anything else?
dead is dead.
You are not even going to know that you are dead after Armageddon.
If the dead are not conscious, what difference does it make if one dies at A. or anything else?
dead is dead.
You are not even going to know that you are dead after Armageddon.
witnoid e-mails goin around.. all i can say is wtf.. japan assembly experience.
date: tue, 22 jan 2008 15:58:51 -0500. .
convention experience from japan!
I was thinking about Urban Legends and looked up this story.
While it may be true that this man was part of a Japanese Mafia of whatever name.
and it may be true that he was a harsh man and that mafia mains people.
and it may be true that this man had a daughter that was asked to study.
What I call BS on is this part:
"the price that she would have to pay in order to study would be to have one of her fingers cut off. She tried to reason with him but soon realized that this would be the only way she would be able to study. So, she agreed! He had the first finger of the right hand cut off. She began her study."
Picture this: She tells the sister who wants to study with her that those are the terms, and the sister agrees? and says "when and where can you study"???????? Really? The sister is even more cruel than the father.
Even if she did not tell those terms to the sister and then started to study, the sister would have seen the finger cut off and said "what happened?" After hearing the story, a sister would have insisted that she move out and live with her. Instead she invites her to the meetings and accepts getting another finger cut off?
she progressed to the point of baptism. The scenario was the same as before. He told her that she knew the price, and the ring finger of the same hand was cut off. Yet, she was grateful to Jehovah for allowing her to be baptized, and gave no thought to the sacrifice she made."
And the sister and the elders gave no thought to it either and allowed it? Just to get an increase in the baptism number and publisher number. With friends like that, who needs enemies.
Whatever happened to people hiding Witnesses in the attics and other hideouts in Nazi times and other persecution? But they allow this woman to go through that unnecessarily? She didn't have to tell her father anything.
any thoughts?.
How would they know if the person is an unbeliever?
Tell them that the person is from another city in another circuit. Then if they ask for the publisher record card, state that the person was inactive for a while and it got lost.
i was wondering if there was anywhere someone could point to in the bible for the watchtower belief that the great crowd is not included in the new covenant.
i know that this is their line of thinking when it comes to jesus being mediator.
they say that jesus is only mediator of the new covenant and since the gc is not under the new covenant, jesus is not specifically a mediator to them.
In Revelation 7.
There is no "the great crowd". It is a description of a large group of people.
And since they come out of the great tribulation and are on earth, they are not in the new covenant.
What good is that covenant to one alive on earth?
Where does it say that more than 144,000 go to heaven?
Where does it say that anyone goes? Why would anyone want to go?
when i see or hear born again christians calling mormons, jws, 7th day adventists, jews etc; cults i always have wondered is that not the pot calling the kettle black?
i just amazes me how so much in denial bacs(born again christians) are.
they love to condemn and throw stones at others but they will never, never, and i mean never label themselves as cults even though they have some of the weirdest beliefs.
What is a Born Again Christian? or is it Born-Again Christian?
Is it one who was a Christian, then left then returned?
Or something else.
I believe that term only applied to Israelites born before 33ce and then became Christians.
No one today can be "born again"
we received an email and are wondering if anyone can verify this little tidbit of news.
does anyone know if this is true or not?.
maybe any elder's on here?.
"primarily dealing with sex abuse issues. The majority of the time was spent "training" how to communicate with those alleging abuse and those accused of abuse."
Training should be: If someone does something you don't like, take a baseball bat and swing away. No need for meetings or letters, etc.
look for it in the yearbook next year.
there was an assembly the day of the big mudslide in washington last saturday.
a sister's life was saved because she obediently attended the assembly and thus was not home when a huge mudslide hit her neighborhood and buried and killed lots of people.
What good is being alive when you have no home and lost everything?
How is it tragic for the family that died? They would have died some point in time. The eventual happened now rather than then.
And what makes them think that if she had not been at the assembly she would have died? She could have been other places than home, such as work or the city.
What makes them think that being home she would have died?
Assumptions, assumptions,
wild turkey and his elder friend ( who is still in ) were talking about this last nite.
seems like most of the pioneers we knew in our area were moochers(sp?
) they would go to any means to save a penny,.
Non-greedy moocher - me. Why not?
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
It is not a command. It is simply instructions as to what they are to do after Jesus ascended.
otherwise they will stand there twiddling their thumbs.
If people would think about it. They lived with him, followed him for 3.5 years, then he died for no reason.
He was resurrected. They thought that meant that he would restore Jerusalem to Israel rule. He said no. They wondered, what next.
He said to go teaching of him and the kingdom. He knew they had to wait until 1881 revolutions of the earth around the sun until the kingdom would be established and that would occupy them.
but their views on blood are just plain weird!
meat has blood in it even if it's bled.
still eating meat means consuming blood.
Contrary to the Original poster, the blood thing always seemed right. If eating meat with little blood was wrong, then it would not have been given as a law back then, but it was. So the law applies to injesting whole blood, which means also transfusions.
Something that has always seemed not right is that we are to follow Christ's example in going door to door with the message. Or follow anything that the 1st century Christians did. They did what they did because that is the only thing they could have done. Why are we to follow their low tech ways?
The reporting of field service time and placements as if it is punching the clock or that it means something.
As to the destroying of all non-jws at armageddon: That didn't bother me because, being one, it wouldn't affect me.
I found it hard to accept that God allows hardships on people when he has the power to stop it when he is the God of love, but yet humans do things to stop evil with their limited powers. I never liked this defending of God no matter what.