jgnat said: Life is always more valuable than its symbol
I like that and will use that.
new article on ajwrb.
great experiences:.
jgnat said: Life is always more valuable than its symbol
I like that and will use that.
my dad died recently and was a long time jw.
we have had some interesting experiences with his passing and have been researching for other jw stories and there are none.
anyone know why?
Those Near Death Experiences are simply the brain hallucinating or dream.
As for these dead people communicating and UFOs, I will believe in it when I experience it.
what a joke the campaign is.....the sheeple are so blind.
what does this have to do with what jesus taught us to do.
i feel like i was campaigning for a politician.. next thing your going to see on the website is a donation button visible to all vistors without having to log in just bypass the middle man.
It is all about their paranoia toward people searching for Jehovah's Witnesses on the net.
They want to ingrain in people a simple and easy way to remember where to find them rather than using a search engine.
They are afraid of what people will find. Give them two letters and a domain.
spouse said local congregation meeting they attended they were handing out jw.org pins and most of the brothers/ some sisters were wearing them during meeting.
speaker was wearing one.
That is paranoia for you. They are on the jw.org campaign because they don't want people to search for Jehovah's Witnesses so they tell them where to go in an easy to remember way.
i think it's hurting the country..
I support the annexation of Mexico and the other central american countries as well as Canada.
The Western hemisphere should be as integrated as the USA, no borders.
And that is how the kingdom will be.
from the wording of the letter it seems that the co has been given carte blanche with appointments and deletions.
nowhere in the letter does it indicate that any records are sent to and from the co to the branch office.
even if a body wants to delete an appointed brother and he disagrees his only recourse would be to write a "brief" letter to the service dept.
It is a lot less complicated to get a bill through congress and passed than it is for someone to get appointed.
this is classic damned if you do, damned if you dont.. the choice is.
1. be a hypocrite.
i just came to the realization that those of us still in and who know ttatt have only 2choices.
BU2B said "
Post 1242 of 1248 Joined 6/29/2012 |
My problem with that BluesBrother is in my case, if I stopped meetigs, my parents would demand answers, my wife would demand answers and she can tell when I lie alot of the time." |
What happens if one says "It is a complete waste of time going to meetings and Field service. I'd rather do yard work,clean the house or make money".
Nothing to do with doctrines, just ain't got time for that stuff anymore. Would the elders arrange for ones in the congregation to help with household tasks if that were presented?
how much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
I looked at the accounts report at the meeting. The congregation donated a total of $3310. The amount to the KH, AH fund is $1045. That may be around the amount of the prior mortgage. Still alot. If there are 100 peope in the congregation that is about $33 per person.
The best thing to hurt the org is a recession.
apparently, the carvakas in anceint hinduism were materialists and skeptics, arguing that consciousness ends with the death of the body and that therefore we should take pleasure in this life while we possess it and practice compassion toward others.
they also argued that direct observation is the only certain way to know anything, and thus the existence of supernatural forces and realities cannot be established and must be rejected.
Yes, consciousness ends at death. Otherwise where would it exist since it exists in our brains.
That's the problem with this belief in people become spirits beings. Without brains, where does their
memories exists? How can they see if light goes through their eyes? How an they hear?
i mentioned a few elders on one of the highest viewed judicial committee videos filed bk, one of them has done it 3 times and feels no remorse!
my post is not to attack people who really need to avail themselves of a legal process because bad things happen to good people.
the economic climate had and can change radically!
I filed bankruptcy. Had a small business that when the economy dropped, revenue dropped. Debts were still there. Expensive equipment that had no resale value. Pioneering wife that spends too much and does not work. She once made the comment that we will never get ahead in this system. System my A&&. It is her irresponsibility.
As for a moral obligation to pay it back. Credit card companies get bk filing as a big writeoff. They are still eating and having heat and are still uncaring corporations.