"Christians who want to marry are commanded to choose only a fellow believer. (1 Corinthians 7:39)"
A letter to a congregation from 2000 years ago does not give us any basis for commands as Paul is not our master.
People need to learn that.
but the entire congregation is not to be informed or mark the person.
the only repercussions are that the individual who is aware of it can decide to "mark" them and not go to the local club or bar with the individual, but they are still obligated to go door to door in the ministry with them, and even speak to them at the kn as if nothing is wrong and not feel obligated to tell anyone else?
this is crazy.. so they are also basically saying that a person can carry on a romantic (but none sexual) relationship with an unbeliever and still go out in service and participate in meetings?
"Christians who want to marry are commanded to choose only a fellow believer. (1 Corinthians 7:39)"
A letter to a congregation from 2000 years ago does not give us any basis for commands as Paul is not our master.
People need to learn that.
i was wondering if you could prove with "original" independent documents that rutherford was an alcoholic.... .
i read penton, but since he is a former jw he could not be considered an independent source.... .
Why do you care?
Who is Rutherford to you?
now that the long-expected kingdom had become an established reality in heaven, surely its growing interests in the earth after 1919 would not be left in the hands of a novice organization of spiritual babes.
and that proved to be true.
it was the 1900-year-old “faithful and discreet slave,” the old christian congregation, that was entrusted with this precious kingdom service.
why does it matter whether there is or not?
I think about what Tyrion said in Season 2 when he slapped Joffrey.
"I slapped a king and my hand didn't fall off".
So what if we don't obey them. We live and we die just like the past 6000 years. There is no punishment for that.
We won't get resurrected? Since the dead are unconscious, they won't be looking to a resurrection anyway.
So stop worrying about this Faithful slave.
i have not read a wt for many years, but a comment on jwn prompted me to check out this one study article #19. i was stunned, they addressed many observations i have made in the "comments you will not hear" over the years.
this segment will contain comments on the section called what we do not know paragraphs 1 through 10. i will post what we do know” in another original post covering paragraphs 11 through 17”.
1) definition of "king of the south" and "king of the north.
Since the fall of Nazi Germany, the King of the North has always been Russia.
"How will Jehovah and his Son, whom he has entrusted to do the judging"
Actually the 144,000 will do the judging as their job in heaven is to be kings and priest and kings judge.
in an earlier thread another poster asserted that there is no evidence that revelation 3:14 played a part in the 4th controversy that led to the trinity doctrine.
this was claimed as evidence that the description of jesus as “the beginning of the creation of god” in the verse was not understood to mean that jesus was god’s first creation.
the scholarly greek–english lexicon of the new testament & other early christian literature 3e (2001) by bauer, arndt, gingrich, and danker, in its latest edition states that “first creation” is indeed the probable meaning of the greek phrase.
"Mathew 28 19. There is your three in a single verse and a pretty important one as well."
Just those three mentioned in one verse is the trinity?
What about the co-equal, co-eternal? You don't get that from that verse.
It says the holy spirit came down as a dove. Jesus was there anointed or baptized with the holy spirit. The first one. That anointed him as king. Holy spirit was the equivalent of oil on Saul and David anointing them as kings. The holy spirit as oil shows that it is not a person or God or co-anything. IT is another example of it being a tool of God.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2024. enjoy the greater happiness that comes from giving.
9 though we are imperfect humans, we can imitate jehovah’s generous use of power.
we cannot literally impart strength, or energy, to others.
New changes with this issue.
As we prepare to study, we might ask ourselves, ‘What do I expect to learn?’ However, we do well to be careful not to let our expectations blind us to what Jehovah is teaching us. How can we keep an open mind when we study?
john said "...the truth came through jesus christ" ?
--------the kingdom of god---------- .
"the kingdom of god is near.
The kingdom of heaven is Spiritual Israel serving with Jesus. 144,000 + 1.
Ex 19:5,6 "Now if you will strictly obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will certainly become my special property* out of all peoples, for the whole earth belongs to me. You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
That was for Israel.
Then 2 Sam 7 Nathan tells David that his offspring will sit on Jehovah's throne forever. That was a propesy leading to Jesus. But Jesus lived and died and never became king. What gives? Did the prophesy fail?
Israel was unfaithful. Dan 4 tells of a tree, a kingdom that was banded for 2520 years.
Jesus had to wait until it was unbanded to become king.
In the meantime - Jeremiah tells us that Israel was replaced, old covenant with a new one.
Physical Israel for Spiritual. Grafting of the olive tree. Lopping off the unfaithful Israelites and replacing them with gentiles. This indicates that Paul had some idea that the structure of the spiritual temple was limited. But it seems that he and Jesus did not know that only 144,000 would be anointed with holy spirit and be kings and priests with Jesu.
Peter said 1 Pet 2:8 "But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies” of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." He quotes from Ex 19 saying that his readers are the fulfillment of the promised to Israel.
When the bands of the tree were opened as the 7 times ended. Well, we don't exactly know when it started by it was around 607-605 and ended 1914-1916. Then the kingdom was established, Jesus became king in the heavens. It had to be invisible as Jesus is a spirit and the heavens are spirits. Jesus cleaned the heavens. Which shows that he is Michael as he said in John 14:2 "In
the house of my Father are many dwelling places. Otherwise, I would
have told you, for I am going my way to prepare a place for you. Also,
if I go my way and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will
receive you home to myself, so that where I am you also may be."
He prepares a place for them by cleansing the heavens and kicking Satan and his demons out.
That clearly shows that Michael doing what he did in Rev 12:7-9 is Jesus (unless Jesus delegated it to a separate angel named Michael), except that Jesus said "I am going my way to prepare a place for you". He does the preparing.
But anyway, that is the kingdom.
Jesus and 144,000 spiritual Israelites serving in heaven as kings and priests over the earth.
in an earlier thread another poster asserted that there is no evidence that revelation 3:14 played a part in the 4th controversy that led to the trinity doctrine.
this was claimed as evidence that the description of jesus as “the beginning of the creation of god” in the verse was not understood to mean that jesus was god’s first creation.
the scholarly greek–english lexicon of the new testament & other early christian literature 3e (2001) by bauer, arndt, gingrich, and danker, in its latest edition states that “first creation” is indeed the probable meaning of the greek phrase.
"A verse that has kind of puzzled me was at the end of the bible " 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.". God and the Lamb seems to be referred to as the same person. Weird."
No. This indicate that God has a throne and the Lamb has one also.
Rev 3:21 Indicates that Jehovah has a throne and Jesus was given authority on it. And Jesus says those that conquer (the 144,000) get authority to rule with him.
Also Rev 2 & 3 are the messages to the congregations. It must be read in that context.
yeah wow women can finally wear pants and men beards...but 1914 is still a date not accepted since charles russell times and blood fractions are evil!!.
are they crazy!!!
"Russell's first prediction was for 1874"
Why does it matter what Russell said and did prior to then?
The only thing that matters is when the banding of the tree ended and the kingdom was established. Russell had nothing to do with that.
https://wawa-news.com/index.php/2024/06/14/episode-1-of-jesus-christ-series-set-for-release-at-gfl-memorial-gardens-june-14-16th/ .
episode 1 of jesus christ series set for release at gfl memorial gardens june 14 – 16th.
in new south wales, australia, there exist replicas of regions once visited by the most notable prophet who ever lived.
"They aren't even allowed to talk (pray) to Jesus, their supposed King."
Nothing to do with being allowed. It's a matter of that's not how it works.
Why would anyone want t pray to Jesus when he said: "“You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens"
Romans 1:8 "I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ concerning all of you,"
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
The only thing indicating any form of prayer to Jesus is: John 14:13 "Also, whatever you ask in my name, I will do this, so that the Father may be glorified in connection with the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it"
But that is so narrow and specific it can hardly be consider a prayer.