You all are mistaken.
Jesus died. Since he was not God, he was truly dead. Not existant from Nisan 14-16. Nisan 16 he was resurrected as the prophecy said. The tomb was empty because he body was offered to Jehovah as a sacrifice. He was raised (not rose or risen) by Jehovah as a spirit being as he was before he became a human. He had a spirit body in heaven, not a physical one.
Jesus appeared to people to prove to them that resurrections take place. He could not be resurrected in the same body because the kingdom is in the heavens, not earth. Thus he rules from the heavens as a spirit being.
Perry quoted Paul "For believers, "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord". What does Paul know? He was not a prophet. He had incomplete thoughts on matters. I hate that phrase because it just draws people in on the "present with the Lord". If you all complain that the WTS hold the carrot of the paradise in front of people with no fulfillment, then that phrase is worse. It holds the carrot of being with the Lord in front of people with no proof of fulfillment.
3.5 years after the kingdom was established in 1914, the resurrection commenced. We have no appearances to prove that. But there is no interaction between them and humans from Jesus and the resurrected ones. That is not the WTS fault.
JW theology is sound and based on Biblical precedent. No need to attack it. The problem is that they leverage this theology to build a cult. The thought is that God will punish people who don't follow them, but first I would say that God must do more and better interaction with the world before we worry about rules of a cultic group.