Larry Graham and his wife were/are pioneers had money and gave it up and the lifestyle including their servants to pioneer.
He stayed in the industry but hasn't done as much. In the 80s he was honored with assembly parts and interviews.
i know a couple of jws in my town that are both very wealthy.
one has upscale retail stores and owns a property development company.
the other has a large service company and owns a lot of real estate.
Larry Graham and his wife were/are pioneers had money and gave it up and the lifestyle including their servants to pioneer.
He stayed in the industry but hasn't done as much. In the 80s he was honored with assembly parts and interviews.
how did you meet your mate (convention, local hall)?
did you date long?
did you really have anything in common other than the same religion?
We met initially at a Quick Build, but didn't start dating until I met her again two years later in May at a Circuit assembly, then later that month at another quickbuild, then at the district convention. Then I went and visited her congregation and we started dating. It was a 2.5 hour drive so we dated for 2 months until we got engaged, then got married 2 months later.
We had religion and other things in common like Sci Fi, building projects but she was more caught up in the religion than I was and more judgmental. One day after the Sunday meeting we were driving to her roomates and her place and she criticized me for not underlining my Watchtower, though I had commented. She said that others could see that and think that I don't prepare. I should have run at that point as she was more interested in pleasing others than our relationship.
We had constant chaperones which lead to things going faster than it needed to. We were not guilty of premarital brazen conduct as I did not want to taint things and I wanted ot use my head rather than other parts...
There were so many women in the organization that were higher level than I, they were the AAA club, Available After Armageddon. Or if they weren't that way, they were low quality. So many women in the organization were so fickle that they really don't know how to get into or have a relationship.
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
When king tony says not to.
new member here so don't attack :d here is a couple questions i have been contemplating lately.. .
if jw isn't the right religion, then which one is?
or is it basically believe in god, the bible and you'll be fine?.
1) if jw isn't the right religion, then which one is?
Why does there have and need to be a religion?
2) That is true, to some extent.
3) Because there are so many that are just followers of the cult, they need to be woke up.
4) Why make a reply other than: So what?
5) Because they can't think, they are just followers.
you need to think for yourself and what is good for you, not religion.
i have been looking and finally saw the logo on the kh sign............. .
I drove by the one that I haven't been to in 6 months and it has a small sign on it. But three others west of here do not have anything.
the third bullet point there claims they baptize in jesus name.
i know the baptism questions never mention jesus once.. .
" baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"
I believe that Jesus never said that and that was an added text. Jesus never placed those three together prior so why and how could he do so here without explanation.
So, the answer is that no one needs to baptize in the name of any of those.
i know a couple of jws in my town that are both very wealthy.
one has upscale retail stores and owns a property development company.
the other has a large service company and owns a lot of real estate.
What kind of stupid question is that?
I agree with Phizzy, the amount of money is not the issue.
Isn't that the goal, to have money? What else is there and how else can things get accomplished?
I would love to have millions and I don't need a free pass for anything.
I don't do meetings or FS or contribute because it is a total waste, not because materialism is the factor.
Bill Gates contributes 100 million to combat polio. JWs contribute millions for nothing.
the difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
How is looking at appearances shallow?
It is part of the whole package. If one does not like the appearance, then what is inside won't matter. It is the same with everything else in life.
If one does not like the appearance, then the eyes will roam to find one, one does like. Satisfy that.
the difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
""compatiblity" with the person you marry is based only on: they go to meetings, they go door-to-door, they read WT literature. That's it."
That is exactly the problem. Do not become unevenly yoked. But what if one does not like meeting or the service or other facets of the JW life?
Find someone who is also like that. The problem is that people are encouraged to look for ones on a 10 on a spiritual level. But people don't advertise that they are a 2. People need to find ones whom they are compatible with and be happy, not focus on the things Shirley listed.
i found an article on the dr. sears website about the benefits of breasfeeding.
according to the article it says: "a drop of breastmilk contains about one million white blood cells.
" it also says "colostrum also contains higher amounts of white blood cells..........than mature milk.
That is not the discrepancy. All meat has some blood in it. It is to be expected.
The discrepancy is their saying that Jehovah values life, but he won't allow them to save it. They say they will be resurrected.
And that has not happened.