Actually the overlapping generation makes sense.
A generation is not a length.
And consider that they are spot on with the the "prophesy of iron and clay" pointing to Trump.
for the life of me i can not come to terms with old timers in the "truth" who could swallow this interpretation of scripture about an overlapping generation .. when jesus spoke about "this generation" .
are their any real bible students among younger ones any more ?.
here are 3 bible scriptures that confirm a generation is approximately 40- 50 years long give or take a few years .. 1. matt:1 :17 abraham born 2016-18 bc jesus born 2 bc approx.
Actually the overlapping generation makes sense.
A generation is not a length.
And consider that they are spot on with the the "prophesy of iron and clay" pointing to Trump.
there continues to be more and more rumors of more halls being sold off some even taking the first offer.
the borg trying to get thier bond money back from the court in san diego asap and there's been elders meetings about this consolidation.
my questions is why after selling off all this real estate in new york for over a billion dollars are they still acting like thier broke?
Brokeback, what does that have to do what the topic or what I said?
one of the heresies of the wt is denying the divinity of christ.
during this "memorial season" they say that jehovah (god the father?
) resurrected jesus.
There is only one God and his name is Jehovah.
And no one is claiming that Jesus raised himself from the dead... because he was dead. Thus someone else would need to raise him. If he could raise himself he would not be dead.
one of the heresies of the wt is denying the divinity of christ.
during this "memorial season" they say that jehovah (god the father?
) resurrected jesus.
Jehovah God resurrected Jesus. Jesus is only more powerful than death because he did not sin. That gives him the right and ability to live again and be raised by Jehovah God. It is pretty simple in fact.
1) when a newly built k.h.
is dedicated, the sheep are told that the building "will be a great witness for jehovah.
the opposite must now be true - when they get rid of it to accumulate cash, they must now be "un-witnessing for jehovah.".
In one state over the past 20 years there is a net loss of 60 Kingdom Halls and more congregations.
there continues to be more and more rumors of more halls being sold off some even taking the first offer.
the borg trying to get thier bond money back from the court in san diego asap and there's been elders meetings about this consolidation.
my questions is why after selling off all this real estate in new york for over a billion dollars are they still acting like thier broke?
This is no speculation. Back in the late 90s I had a list of the congregations of the state I was from. There were 350 congregations in 230 Kingdom Halls.
I compared that list to what is currently listed on
There have been about 36 congregation and KH deleted.
4 congregations deleted from multiples congs per KH.
One city had 3 congs in one KH and 2 in another now there is 4 in one KH.
There are 4 congregations that remained in intact but they sold their KH and are going to a more distant KH.
The major metropolitan city had roughly 23 Kingdom Halls then that don't exist now and 6 that exist now but not today. I can't guess exactly how the congregations were moved, or created or deleted with all that.
Some new congregations were created but they were foreign language.
Today I get 304 congregations in 169 KH total so a net loss of 50 congregations and 61 KH in the state over the past 20 years.
jws don't say, "i am a jehovah's witness.".
instead, they say, "i am one of jehovah's witnesses.".
what does the second way of saying it convey that the first does not?.
Carla said "I don't anybody that considers jw's as 'Chrisitan'."
In theory they are supposed to be but in action they are more pharisee
at the 2018-2019 be bold circult assembly yesterday.
yes, curcult, change the i to an l. because when they have 2 demonstrations about youths not going to university and another talk says for adults at work to be bold and refuse birthday treats being given away, it shows so much pettiness and lack of real concern for the people.. i was actually looking forward to the ca because a week before tornadoes went through our circuit and passed 2 miles by a kingdom hall and less than 1 mile by another that had meetings that afternoon.
i was expecting the circult overseer to give a report on it.
At the 2018-2019 Be Bold Circult assembly yesterday. Yes, curcult, change the I to an L. Because when they have 2 demonstrations about youths not going to University and another talk says for adults at work to Be Bold and refuse birthday treats being given away, it shows so much pettiness and lack of real concern for the people.
I was actually looking forward to the CA because a week before tornadoes went through our circuit and passed 2 miles by a Kingdom Hall and less than 1 mile by another that had meetings that afternoon. I was expecting the Circult overseer to give a report on it. But NO. Nothing was said other than the opening prayer. It was just the scripted ministry encouragement. The president of the USA came out to visit the area, but the elders didn't even reach out asking about well being nor the Circuit overseer. Many local and far away churches assisted in the disaster relief. I didn't see any Witnesses (other than me) volunteering. But if the Regional Building committee directed something, then they would be all out there. But to just help their neighbors...
Another interested part was the accounts report. There was $10,000 in expenses and those expenses were split between the maintenance and repairs of the assembly hall and for all of the assembly halls in the world. That's a new one to me. Has anyone else heard this? When they read this they had a deficiet of $4000.
jws don't say, "i am a jehovah's witness.".
instead, they say, "i am one of jehovah's witnesses.".
what does the second way of saying it convey that the first does not?.
I never liked the expression "I'm a Jehovah's Witness". It just does not have the flow to it.
"I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses" has always been a better way of saying Christianity is a group activity.
Though I don't know why there is a difference between "I'm a Christian" and "I'm a Jehovah's Witness".
A am neither anti-semite nor pro-semite. I am Semitism neutral. People don't know whether they are Jewish or not as the records have been lost