What is their official teaching that only baptized JWs will survive God's war?
Of course they teach that because that is their carrot and whip to lead people.
But we know that is not the case, because many good non-Jws will survive too.
i wonder how many have doubts about the gb teaching that only baptised jws would survive the big a?
even then they still only say you may make it as with unbaptised kids of jdubs.
i think most people physically in don’t agree with the gb on this and are hoping jehovah would let other good people into the new world even if they are not baptised jws.
What is their official teaching that only baptized JWs will survive God's war?
Of course they teach that because that is their carrot and whip to lead people.
But we know that is not the case, because many good non-Jws will survive too.
as i understand it, jehovah’s witnesses believe less than 145,000 faithful christians existed prior to the twentieth century.
the other sheep christians did not start forming until after 1914. that means jehovah’s witnesses view millions martyred for their faith in christ prior to the 20th century as merely professed christians.. the question is…how do witnesses know that those millions who perished for their faith in christ were not christians at all?.
What do you mean How did we know that millions didn't have the heavenly hope?
We don't know who did and who didn't.
If they had faith in Christ, they were Christians.
Were they anointed by the holy spirit?
No one knows. But just being a Christian or dying for one's faith is not a guaranteed that one gets anointed with holy spirit.
not sure if this is fake news or not..
Having "sports, wealth, non JW approved clothing and behavior" does not get one disfellowshipped.
Neither does material things, fame and careers.
Why is everyone focusing on disfellowshipping?
I've never been a fan of hers but this is like Prince.
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
The only number that matters is the number of congregations.
Number of publishers is so fake.
Pioneers is meaningless.
Memorial partakers is meaningless.
Memorial attenders. Anyone can sit in a chair.
Bible Studies, people study forever and do nothing.
But for many years congregations would grow and split. Now congregations are being deleted.
That is what shows.
shower thought entered my mind the other day... jesus christ.
as per doctrine.
is still alive in heaven right now correct?
The ransom sacrifice was paid by Jesus when he presented the value of his shed blood to his father Jehovah in heaven after his resurrection and ascension.
It began being applied then by Jesus being the gobetween for prayers.
Then when he became king in 1914, it was applied when he resurrected his brothers who died and since then the ones who died.
Then it will be applied during the 1000 years on those alive on earth.
after a previous sale fell through, geico has sold its sprawling woodbury property for $27 million.
the buyer for the 236,365-square-foot office building on 20 acres at 750 woodbury road is the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.
After a previous sale fell through, GEICO has sold its sprawling Woodbury property for $27 million.
The buyer for the 236,365-square-foot office building on 20 acres at 750 Woodbury Road is the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
It is unclear what the religious organization has planned for the property and church officials were unable to be reached for comment.
In 2021, GEICO was in contract to sell its Woodbury property to a New Jersey-based developer, but the deal fell through when it became apparent that Town of Oyster Bay wouldn’t allow a redevelopment of the site into a warehousing and distribution complex. Real estate sources say GEICO would have realized close to $48 million if that first sale would have come to fruition.
The Tilles family sold the Woodbury land to GEICO some 50 years ago, and the four-story, red brick and glass building served as an anchor for the family’s development of the Woodbury office park since it opened in Oct. 1973, Peter Tilles told LIBN in 2021.
Meanwhile, GEICO signed a lease for 200,000 square feet of office space at 1 Huntington Quadrangle in Melville, where it had announced to employees in Nov. 2021 that the company would eventually relocate to. The Chevy Chase, Md.-based company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, had planned to move into its new digs in the fourth quarter of this year, once renovations on the Melville offices are completed.
However, since then, real estate sources say GEICO has been trying to sublease the Melville space. Officials at GEICO could not be reached for comment.
While GEICO settled for a smaller payday in the sale of its property, the biggest loser in the Woodbury transaction is likely the Town of Oyster Bay, since as a religious organization, the new owner of the property would be tax exempt. As of 2021, the annual property taxes on the former GEICO property was about $1.227 million.
The Woodbury sale, which closed on the last week of December, was brokered by Daniel Abbondandolo, Joegy Raju, David Bernhaut, Gary Gabriel and Ryan Larkin of Cushman & Wakefield.
i’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
"eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914"
How can they be wrong about 1914?
1914 is not an invention of the Watchtower.
bits of unreported history that may be of casual interest… as to doctrinal origins.
sykes was one-of-a-kind in the pentecostal movement, but he was considered quite a maverick who went his own way with heretical teachings repugnant to the pentecostal faith.. joshua sykes’ congregation was integrated, unlike pastor russell’s public speeches/sermons where blacks and whites both could attend, but only in separate sections--sykes's members were sitting side by side in the pentecostal church.
this was considered dangerous and inflammatory at the time.. pentecostal preacher joshua sykes practiced racial and gender "integration" as early as 1908 -- having both african-american and female assistant preachers, staffers, and members.
I wasn't aware that Rutherford came up with JW theology.
Joseph Rutherford was the one needed to get them from WWI to WWII
so perhaps we all heard the jw story about jesus talking to gehenna and he was referring to a place outside the city where there was a dump burning refuse and everyone knew what it meant.. according to jw.org: tradition relates that the valley of hinnom thereafter became a place for the disposal of garbage.
and the bible provides confirmation for this.
at jeremiah 31:40, for example, the valley of hinnom is evidently called the “low plain of the carcasses and of the fatty ashes.” there was also the “gate of the ash-heaps,” a gate that seems to have opened out onto the eastern extremity of the valley of hinnom at its juncture with the kidron valley.—nehemiah 3:13, 14.. i think i heard that in the study of the greatest teacher book first.
If people burned in hell forever and ever after death. I believe that the Bible would specifically state that. It does not state when such a thing started. The belief is that those who don't believe in Jesus, when they die they go to hell and burn. So the belief is that it started when Jesus started. But wouldn't Jesus teach a death 101 and explain that in no uncertain terms?
of course most christians partake in different ways at different intervals (the bible never says strictly annual) but obviously the main point is christ's flesh and blood.
for jws the main attraction is the organization's sales pitch and in the new 2023 memorial invitation they pretty much admit it, quote:.
the main feature of the memorial is a talk.
Yes, the Bible says it is to be annual.
The memorial is to replace the passover which was annual.